View Full Version : Teeth Hurt

31-08-20, 00:32
I didn’t want to make two posts in a couple days, but I’m in a bit of a worry right now. I’ve had what I assume is TMJ for years now (mentioned it to my dentist when I went last year and he didn’t really look into it, annoyingly.) My jaw constantly pops whenever I open it even a little bit, it gets tense, pain through the area, etc. Last week, I woke up in the middle of the night with intense radiating pain in my teeth on the lower jaw. It was so bad, I was nearly in tears over it. I figured it was due to grinding in my sleep, likely caused by TMJ, and ordered a mouth guard. After a few days, the pain mostly went away.

However, a week later, I still get occasional pain in the area that started hurting. I can’t really pin it to one tooth: they all look fine, don’t hurt when I tap with my finger, and it just feels like general pain.

The area only really hurts when I’m chewing. It hurts a little when I drink something cold, but not really any different than the sensitivity I’m used to. It also doesn’t hurt much when I just bite down. I’ve had problems with sensitive teeth before, so I’m wondering if that plus grinding due to TMJ could have caused some lingering pain?

I know I already have two cavities that need filled (I don’t know what side they’re on, the dentist didn’t tell me that either) but I’ve never had a lot of pain. I’m worried it could be like an abscess or something, even though nothing is visible and it isn’t a constant pain. :unsure: I was planning to go back to the dentist, but with the virus I’ve been scared to visit due to how up close and personal it is.

EDIT: after a closer look today, I think it’s definitely a cavity. Poked it a little bit with a toothpick and it seems like there’s a hole, though it still didn’t hurt even when I poked it like that. Now dreading the call tomorrow. :weep:

My biggest fear is a dental abscess! Like I said, I have a lot of pain from TMJ, so it’s hard for me to tell what’s due to that & what’s my tooth. I’m very scared, the dentist makes me so anxious, COVID makes me anxious, and the thought of a tooth abscess spreading through my body is making it even worse. Would I be in even more pain if it was an abscess?