View Full Version : Worried about HIV :( was I at risk? It’s ruining my life worrying

01-09-20, 16:15
Hello. I am a 21 year old female. Nov 2019 I caught my teeth on a guys penis it started bleeding his blood was in my mouth but I know transmission through oral sex is low so I am not too worried about this. I am worried because we had sex (with a condom) after and I think when he was putting the condom on, some of his blood went on top of the condom and then he inserted his penis inside of me so I am worried his blood got inside of me. Idk his status so I am worried. He is older than me and said he hadn’t been tested in like 10 years. I had a canker sore 1-2 weeks after this and have read it is an ARS symptom am I at risk for HIV please help? Please remember I am young and still live at home so it’s hard to get a test without my parents finding out.

01-09-20, 18:34
It's very unlikely you have HIV. It's really not very common at all, and is mainly found in the gay community.

It's unlikely he has it, and even if he does it's unlikely you'd have caught it after sleeping with him once.

Even so, you really should get tested for HIV and other STIs. There are ways of doing this without your parents finding out. You can go to your GP or to a sexual health clinic and your parents will never have to know. Or you can have a self test kit delivered to your home - they come in very discreet packaging.

I'd recommend going to your GP or a clinic though. You could literally just tell your parents you're going shopping.