View Full Version : Strange Ear/Nose Issues (Maybe Anxiety?)

02-09-20, 08:16
Hello! Hope everyone is doing well!

Let me begin by saying, as you can expect by now, I (25 y/o male) suffer from anxiety, and that anxiety for years now has either always or at the very least almost always triggered acid reflux for me but not exclusive or limited to. Lots of gas and indigestion, no matter how much I watch what I eat. I had COVID almost 2 months ago and I know indigestion and reflux are symptoms but I hardly even looked at my issue as a symptom even though I had it like daily back then because of how often I get this. And then there's that cycle of anxiety causing issues that then cause anxiety lol I start worrying about what's happening to me when 99% of the issues all came from anxiety itself but it's a never ending cycle sometimes.

I spend a lot of time burping and my throat ends up burning a lot. I have realized however that whenever I get this, my ears always end up getting this stuffed feeling. Like they're full of wax or having a finger pressed in. Lots of pressure. But I don't quite think my hearing is affected? It probably is all things considered but I can't quite tell. What I do tell is that whenever I open my jaw and breath in like how you do when you yawn, my ears but specifically more my right ear always pops like this crackling sound. Which is how they basically do when you get off a plane or something. It feels like I'm ALMOST about to fully "open" them and hear fine again but it never happens. Even while writing this I felt reflux come up 3 times. I'm aware anxiety and gas like this can cause stuffy ears, but I guess I wonder if this can be something else? I sometimes feel disoriented and light headed and just out of it when I get this. I do the thing where I hold my nostrils closed and blow through it and my ears don't close up or anything, they stay the exact same. I even get congested in my nose as well and feel it in my throat but then comes to worry of "what if it's covid again" and that's a whole rabbit hole down that MAY possibly be too much over thinking considering it's only been less than 2 months since my finally negative test after coming up positive twice for a whole month.

Thank you! I'll update on if I think of anything else, it's late and this was a last minute unplanned post lol

02-09-20, 08:38
Let me also include the fact that according to my doctor, I have a type of malocclusion where my jaw opens in an S formation down, and I believe it's a bit unhinged on the ear that bothers me the most as I mentioned, which is the right ear. This is potentially important info I'm sure. Apart from that I can't really think about any more things. I do have this thing where one of my nostrils almost always tend close when I lay down to sleep making it harder a bit to do so.