View Full Version : I think I’ve poisoned myself from vinyl gloves and I’m losing weight

Nighttime pacer
02-09-20, 12:37
Hi all,
I’m so scared at the moment.
Since the pandemic started I’ve been using a lot of nitrile gloves for things. They became expensive so found cheaper vinyl gloves on the internet and I’ve been using those for about a month or two. I’ve been so worried about coronavirus and contamination that I’ve been even using these to cut up vegetables and wash up. I’ve now read that vinyl gloves are not food safe and may contain a chemical that can leach into food and cause cancer. Also they shouldn’t be used with hot water.
I’ve lost weight and am now convinced it must be due to poisoning from the gloves and that I’ve developed cancer.
Also, in the last week or so I’ve been waking up with a really odd taste in my mouth. For the last 2 days I haven’t used the gloves when preparing food and the taste seems much less though I’ve also been eating differently too. I’m more scared now than I’ve ever been.
Nighttime Pacer

02-09-20, 13:05
You can't possibly have got cancer that quick from the gloves.

You have been googling again haven't you?:whistles:

Nighttime pacer
02-09-20, 13:38
Hi Nicola,
Yes unfortunately I have been googling. I’m going to try and speak to a GP this afternoon as to be honest if my blood test results come back normal I’m wondering if I need some antidepressants or something as I’ve had lots of talking therapy over the years and tried some CBT based stuff but nothing’s really helped. I think maybe I need more concentrated CBT or like I said, some antidepressants. I can’t carry on like this.

02-09-20, 13:47
Please stop googling..You can have loads of CBT and get prescribed anti depressants but if you continue to use Dr Google you will just be feeding your HA and coming up with all sorts. You really have to stop..You know what happens if you use it to self-diagnose..incorrectly..

Nighttime pacer
02-09-20, 17:12
Hey Pulisa, I know you’re right. I have to be strict with myself now. I’ll take my GP’s advice when I get the blood test results and meantime spend time doing the things I love and try and generate some income. I know whenever I’ve lost weight before it’s always come back on when I haven’t been checking and maybe precisely because I haven’t been checking. I realise know that all the things I do to “put my mind at rest” actually do the exact opposite and just feed the anxiety.
Why’s it taken me so long to realise? Also, whatever the reason is for the weight loss, worrying about it won’t suddenly make the weight come back on, whereas chilling out having a laugh and beer with friends and watching films and eating bad things, just may. Maybe I’ll try that as if nothing else it’ll be more fun than worrying!
Thanks everyone.

02-09-20, 17:56
That sounds like a really good idea, NP..You would have been contacted by now if there was anything that needed to be further investigated re your bloods.

If you can let go of the fears and just learn to relax again doing stuff you enjoy with your friends it'll be so much better for you than getting sucked in by Dr Google. He's a waste of time and a source of fear and false information.

Nighttime pacer
02-09-20, 23:53
Hey Pulisa, Thanks for that, I know you’re right. I just need to hold fire and wait to hear from the doctors. It’s so tempting to keep phoning the doctors but I realise they’ve sent me for tests and now I just need to wait for the results and then speak to them.