View Full Version : husband and i need some help please

03-02-05, 01:26
My name is Dana and i have always had some anxiety problems associated with borderline personality disorder but now i am married and my husband and I both are haveing some panic anxiety his is however worse than mine we have some really bad episodes almost every night. Just 2 days ago he had the worst one ever if that is even what it was he actually attacked me and has no recollection of ever being awake he has no memory of it at all. He needs help but we don't know who to talk to he has been to doctors but no one is able to help. I have anxiety about being in the dark mostly and some anxiety because of people mine however is nothing like my husbands i just get that burning in my stomach and scary images in my head and i can not make them go away no matter how hard i try but i have to find a way to pull it together so i can help him. I am very worried about him in his sleep since he came at me that morning 2 days ago he looked possessed his skin was clammy and his eyes were bloodshot he has had episodes before but never this bad before he would just wake up with chest pains, difficulty breathing, sweating, terrified, and crying with the slightest idea of what happened and he gets a real nervous feeling before he lays down and when he wakes up if he has an episode except the last one the last one he actually was nervous before bed and i was on the phone with him while i was at work and he said he took his serequel and was still nervous and when i woke him up at 6 a.m. he went crazy and then later that afternoon he was an emotional wreck and did not know why and when i suggested that it may have been because of this morning, he did not know what I was talking about I am very scared for him and I am afraid to leave him alone even to work. If there is anyone in this world that can help me and my husband please contact me ASAP

03-02-05, 11:46
hello Dana,

I am sorry that you are both going through such a rough time. I can imagine that it is very difficult for you both. You say that doctors have not helped you - why is that? Could you not go see a different one? Also, counselling might be a very good idea - you could even do it as a couple and that way you might feel more comfortable. There is always help out there so please don't give up!!

Sarah :D

03-02-05, 13:19
hi dana, i really feel for what your going through. Your husband may benefit more from the counselling or even hypnosis side rather than medication which can sometimes just cover over a problem rather than dealing with it head on. If your doctor cant or wont help you then i suggest finding other doctors who will help, though i dont know how easy this is in the US. But keep posting on here and im positive that we will do everything to make you feel better

03-02-05, 14:11
Hi Dana,

Sorry to hear you've both been having such a terrible time.

I recommend that your husband needs to go back to see whoever prescribes his Serequel. Its a potent and powerful drug and this may need reviewing along with his illness that he takes it for.. This is not purely anxiety/panic at work here.

I would expect that as his situation comes under control then yours too will settle. It is fully understandable that you are feeling so anxious with all this going on around you.

All best wishes


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

03-02-05, 18:06

Welcome aboard. I am pleased you posted here after my email to you.

It would be good to get some help for you both and maybe more so for your husband but would he consider soemthing like Hypnotherapy or trying some relaxation exercises?

Take a look at this page to see if it helps - www.nomorepanic.co.uk/firststeps.htm

I hope you can get some help here.
