View Full Version : Week Long Headache

02-09-20, 15:29
So I've had a headache for over a week now and it's starting to scare me. It feels as though it's mainly in my forehead, around my right eye and across my temples. It's a dull, achy type of pain which is rarely 'stabbing' and it comes and goes throughout the whole day. I've tried taking painkillers and ibuprofen but they don't seem to make any difference. I had problems with my sinuses earlier on in the year and was on two courses of antibiotics for that but they cleared up pretty quick. I'm thinking maybe it is this but can sinuses be a reoccurring problem? Every time I google week long headache it tells me I'm dying so would love some advice and encouragement :((I'd like to see a doc for peace of mind but it's only been three weeks (lol) since I last rang up about something and I'm worried they don't take me seriously anymore and also with everything going on I always feel a bit guilty.

02-09-20, 16:19
It could be a tension headache or a sinus problem or maybe you are just not drinking enough water.

Have you had your eyes tested recently?

I assume you suffer with Health Anxiety?

03-09-20, 10:42
Hi, Yeah I've thought it might be a tension headache but as I've never had those types of headaches before I'm freaking out!! I drink around 3 litres of water a day so I don't think it's that. I had my eyes tested a few weeks ago so that's all fine too. Yes I do.

05-09-20, 08:48
I get migraines which last three to four days, and headaches which can last a lot longer. Lot of non-sinister reasons for headaches as Nicola has pointed out. It can also be posture related - especially if you are constantly hunched over a computer or phone.

Diet could also be responsible, so check if you have been hammering certain foods with stimulants in - i.e. chocolate..

How much exercise do you get? Sometimes that can cause it. Try a walk in the fresh air and see if that shifts the cobwebs...

P.S the human brain has a negative bias and Googling will only ever play to this. You will totally bypass the most likely causes to the least likely, and most scary. If you want to Google something - Google cat vids or something funny.