View Full Version : What’s going on??

04-09-20, 02:10
I’m sitting just watching some tv scrolling on my phone and I realize my fingers feel very strange?? I played basketball earlier which is a new activity for me and it might have caused it but I’m not sure... I wasn’t anxious or anything. My fingers feel tingly. I wouldn’t say numb because I can feel them and move them fine. It feels like the aftermath of carrying heavy bags from the grocery store and your fingers get that feeling. I’m worried now because my last 2 posts were about me complaining that I’m scared I might have nerve damage or some neurological issue.

Thanks, Matt

04-09-20, 04:23
Very normal to have muscle tingling after exercise.

04-09-20, 05:03
Very normal to have muscle tingling after exercise.

04-09-20, 07:07
I’m sitting just watching some tv scrolling on my phone and I realize my fingers feel very strange?? I played basketball earlier which is a new activity for me and it might have caused it but I’m not sure..

I had the odd dalliance with netball at school on those rare occasions when my 'excuse me' note was tossed into the bin and I was frogmarched to the changing rooms..:scared15:

I do recall having tingly fingers for a few hours afterwards. In fact, my hands shook before they eased into tingling, so it absolutely could be do do with a new activity which, let's face it. does involve your fingers slamming into a hard ball.:winks: