View Full Version : Help me Ian

05-09-20, 09:10
Ian am back coz need your expert help my man

I manadgid to come off klonopin and then effexor, that was 2 week ago, doin greT but crashed yesterday so gotta reinstate

Whats the dosage to start I got a shutload of the crap

75mg for one week then up anothet 37.5mg?

I guess I got 3 weeks of hell in frint of me again lessen you say otherwise

Shod I go back on K? Am holding off but anxiety real bad

Thanks my man


05-09-20, 11:45
I manadgid to come off klonopin and then effexor,

How did you taper off the Effexor (venlafaxine)?

that was 2 week ago, doin greT but crashed yesterday so gotta reinstate

Whats the dosage to start I got a shutload of the crap

75mg for one week then up anothet 37.5mg?

How much were you taking when you stopped, Charlie?

I guess I got 3 weeks of hell in frint of me again lessen you say otherwise

maybe :sad:

Shod I go back on K? Am holding off but anxiety real bad

If you need to. White-knuckling is never a good idea. However, only if you need to. Try not to get in the routine of taking klonopin 'just in case' as benzodiazepines counter the positive effects of ADs.

05-09-20, 13:27
I tapered off both real slow

Was stable on 112.5 effexor

05-09-20, 13:40
Tapered off effexor over 4 - 5 month reducing by 18.75mg per month XR opened capsule counted beads in 37.5mg that way

Reduced K at same time but started KK taperr much earlier

So whats my best strAtegy

I took 75mg ,Effexor this morning already got the anxiety and sweAts or is that me scarin maself?

Really appreciTe your help

05-09-20, 14:13
Is 37.5 a less punishing way to restart?

05-09-20, 23:16
These side effect cts are terrible

Need support

Some one tell me tgey dont get worse

05-09-20, 23:34
Tapered off effexor over 4 - 5 month reducing by 18.75mg per month XR opened capsule counted beads in 37.5mg that way

Not the best way of doing it. Switching to fluoxetine (Prozac) and then tapering off it would have been much easier.

Reduced K at same time but started KK taperr much earlier

Which increases the degree of difficulty and quitting venlafaxine is already often hard. It is never a good idea to quit more than 1 med at a time.

I took 75mg ,Effexor this morning already got the anxiety and sweAts or is that me scarin maself?

Possibly a combination of both. An anxious mind is very capable of producing our worst nightmares. But increased anxiety and sweating are common initial side-effects of most ADs.

Is 37.5 a less punishing way to restart?

Yes. But have you considered taking another SSRI instead if you're planning on staying on venlafaxine permanently? They are generally much easier to quit.

These side effect cts are terrible

Then take a <diazepam> :sad: Edit: meant clonazepam (Klonopin). :doh:

06-09-20, 03:05
Thanks Ian

Efexxor my inly choice. Dont got no doctor, dont got no dosh. Just enough Efexor to restart

Feel far less twrrible today on 37.5mg

Can I hang on that a couple of weeks before raise to 50mg?

I thi k I gotta be on this shit forever now. Always crash when stop. Hopefully I can switch to that Milnacipran gear yous mentioned once

Thanks avain. I feel like I can survive now

06-09-20, 12:50
Can I hang on that a couple of weeks before raise to 50mg?

Venlafaxine has a short half-life, about 5 hours (which is why it is often so hard to quit), so you could raise the dose in 2-3 days for immediate release, or 4-5 days for XR extended release without significantly increasing the severity of any subsequent side-effects spike, but I suggest adding a couple of days as a confidence building measure.

I thi k I gotta be on this shit forever now. Always crash when stop. Hopefully I can switch to that Milnacipran gear yous mentioned once

Sounds like a good idea. For some of us these are chronic conditions which wax and wane, but don't completely go away. As ADs can become less effective each time they are stopped and restarted probably the best option then is to take them permanently. I've been taking ADs pretty much continually for over 30 years and my brain hasn't turned to mush ye...Oh! :winks: They can have other health benefits too, reducing the risk of heart attack and ischaemic stroke - although slightly increasing that of the less common haemorrhagic stroke - and also of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

06-09-20, 16:28
My guess is that Charlie would have kept taking them, but he has no health insurance. Unfortunately, we have no universal health system over here. Some states have programs for people whose employers don't provide health coverage, like California, but most states don't. Here many big corporations limit a lot of employees to 38 hours a week, under the 40 hour requirement, so they don't have to give them benefits like health.

07-09-20, 12:38
Some states have programs for people whose employers don't provide health coverage, like California, but most states don't.

What about Medicaid, or is that what you're referring to?

I know there are also programs that provide meds at no or low cost, but presumably they still need to prescription from one's doctor?

07-09-20, 19:47
Yeah, I'm referring to Medicaid, but I don't know what the qualifications are for his state. I know he's originally from Oklahoma, but I don't know what state he's in now. Some states, like Oklahoma, may only offer it to children, or families with children or care-takers.

Charlie, what state are you in? Are you on any medical/health care programs?

08-09-20, 02:51
Hi Vee

Nice to heR from yous. Everyrhing yous said is corretto. Still i n Oklahoma


Ur memory sucks. Why would anyone ask u for help if they got a doc. Ur nothing more than arrogant ole croaker

Read over advice u guven me. Was any of ut helpful? Zilch. Ur medical knowledge impresses but wirhout compassion or empathy it mean jack shit. U made a diztressed persin feel much worse

I went down local himeless center to ask volunteer there who is expwdt in psych meds. Showed her ur advice and wont repeT her comments here. I wanted ti ask her not you anywY but I got mibiluty problems getting aroynd cozza injuries from demos

Sorry to be so harsh but folk in distress needs to know to not turn ti you. You do more harm than good.

If yous want to show off ur medicine knowledge do it neutral but not to folk in distress.


08-09-20, 08:13
Charlie, why are you mad at Ian? You specifically asked for his help and he gave it to you. It’s not like he gets paid for this or put his two cents in without being asked. He has never claimed to be a doctor.

08-09-20, 08:46
Ian is a retired doc. If not, he shouldnt be makung them comme.nts

This forum is about compasssion empathy n support. Ian dont got none. Not just me I seen him push at least two other distressed folk to the brink. Sensitivity is more inporyant than just blurt ing out information.

Ian was my lazt resort coz I dont got no doc but gave usno comfort
If he cant give comfort he should just stay quiet. Distressed folk dont need to know all tbe facts. They need comfort with positive input even if it ignores blunt truth.

WbT Ian say is intetesting and I guess correct but sometimes he shoukd not say it for concern for tbe disyressed folk.

Shame on you Vee for support him
Read his comments and tell me if they wS helpful or comforting

This forum really sucks at times. Im outta here

08-09-20, 08:56
Charlie, I'm sorry you're having such a rough time, but please don't take it out on people who are trying to help? Fairly sure Ian isn't a doctor (correct me if I'm wrong, Ian?), he was just trying to offer the help you specifically asked for from him.

I hope you feel better soon.

08-09-20, 11:24
I don't see anything wrong with Ian's advice. It sounded really good to me and positive.

Maybe you are just having a bad day Charlie but why take it out on him? I think you owe him an apology to be honest.

08-09-20, 12:39
Distressed folk dont need to know all tbe facts. They need comfort with positive input even if it ignores blunt truth.

I completely disagree, Charlie. A very wise man by the name of Gary Cooper, no not the actor, once told me that the biggest mistake you can make is to treat the anxious and/or depressed as invalids in need of protection from life because they'll end up becoming one.

Patting people's hands and telling them everything will be fine when you know damn well it may not be not only misleads them, but devalues them. Ime, people with anxiety disorders are far tougher than you seem to give them credit for. When the brown stuff is hitting the fan I'd far rather have someone with an anxiety disorder protecting my back than someone who's never been tested. Most of the anxious cope just fine in real adversity as long as they know what they are up against. It is the ordinary day to day that brings us undone.

Ime, more than half of those who come to support groups such as this one do so because their doctors have treated them as mushrooms, kept them in the dark and fed them BS. Have told them nothing, or outright lied about side-effects, how long it takes for ADs to really kick-in, or the likelihood of the first AD tried working, instead of preparing them properly for what may lay ahead. And for every one that comes here and learns the real score and is encouraged to stick with it there are hundreds, maybe thousands who simply give up, toss their meds in the bin and continue to suffer needlessly. Well, sorry to disappoint you, Charlie, but I'm not going to compound that folly. If you want to then on you head be it.

And on the specifics on what I think triggered this, how would you have reacted if I didn't point out the possibility of venlafaxine not working for you again and why until after it failed and you'd wasted months waiting for it to work?

08-09-20, 12:49
Fairly sure Ian isn't a doctor (correct me if I'm wrong, Ian?)

You are correct, BlueIris. The best I can claim is a first aid certificate a long time ago. So long that leeches and something about humours were then at the leading edge of medical science. :D

08-09-20, 12:50
Alright, just didn't want to downplay your skills. You doing okay?

08-09-20, 13:26
You doing okay?

I'm doing okay for an old fella, thanks for asking. Hope you're doing well. :emot-nod:

08-09-20, 13:30
Work schedule's insane and the anxiety's acting up accordingly, but I'm hanging in there :)

28-09-20, 13:02
BUMP is word I lernt offa young Terence dont know if yous still post here buddy but hi if u do

I got 2MB left of my data thwn its back to beggin for dosh so thought I blow it here

I never expressed myself good so try again

Ian panic is either some crazy aspie dude who reads medical stuff for sole purpose to post on a minor mental forum. Or a rwtired doc what dont wanna waste all the drug information he got as a doc. I aint sure which to bw honest

No folk here got a problem with accuracy of his information. His problem is that he dont know how to use his knowledge when folk need help. He just spurt oyt the same propaganda regardless

It would be nice to think he lwrnt a lesson here but at folk his age gwts stubborn and kinda set in their ways. Plus the fact he dont give a shit eh croaker?

28-09-20, 16:33
BUMP is word I lernt offa young Terence dont know if yous still post here buddy but hi if u do

I got 2MB left of my data thwn its back to beggin for dosh so thought I blow it here

I never expressed myself good so try again

Ian panic is either some crazy aspie dude who reads medical stuff for sole purpose to post on a minor mental forum. Or a rwtired doc what dont wanna waste all the drug information he got as a doc. I aint sure which to bw honest

No folk here got a problem with accuracy of his information. His problem is that he dont know how to use his knowledge when folk need help. He just spurt oyt the same propaganda regardless

It would be nice to think he lwrnt a lesson here but at folk his age gwts stubborn and kinda set in their ways. Plus the fact he dont give a shit eh croaker?

Lebonvin, sorry but personally i don’t like the tone of your post. This minor mental forum as you call it has helped so many people past and present, and has literally saved my sanity. Its run by people who out of the kindness of their hearts want to help others. As for panic down under whats he ever done other than help and assist anyone that needs help & advice with medication which appears to be his speciality, what more do you expect. Sorry if you yourself are in a bad place at the moment but remember we’re none of us medical experts & just try to offer reassurance as best we can.

28-09-20, 17:07
Lebonvin you are still being rude and I thought you were leaving anyway?

28-09-20, 17:19
BUMP is word I lernt offa young Terence dont know if yous still post here buddy but hi if u do

I got 2MB left of my data thwn its back to beggin for dosh so thought I blow it here

I never expressed myself good so try again

Ian panic is either some crazy aspie dude who reads medical stuff for sole purpose to post on a minor mental forum. Or a rwtired doc what dont wanna waste all the drug information he got as a doc. I aint sure which to bw honest

No folk here got a problem with accuracy of his information. His problem is that he dont know how to use his knowledge when folk need help. He just spurt oyt the same propaganda regardless

It would be nice to think he lwrnt a lesson here but at folk his age gwts stubborn and kinda set in their ways. Plus the fact he dont give a shit eh croaker?
Lebonvin, you may be having a difficult time right now, but believe me taking it out on Ian (panic down under) won't make you feel the slightest bit better.
He generously gives of his time and is very knowledgeable and well read with regard to medication, which anyone can take or leave as they choose. You don't have to get nasty if you don't agree with someone.

Oh and hey less of the ageism!!

29-09-20, 13:21
I think you might need specialist help, it doesn't help anyone reading posts like that so why do it.

21-10-20, 06:09

21-10-20, 06:55
I think you might need specialist help, it doesn't help anyone reading posts like that so why do it.

Thagts good post my man

When folk asks for help but dont get none, folk like yousself get no help too

21-10-20, 08:40
Still posting for a reaction then?

22-10-20, 05:45
I notice Pulisa postin hete but dont got no idea what she write coz I never read her posts. I guess it aint expression of true love.

Her handle always make me chuckle coz mean policewoman in Indonesia

But I respect her more than most folk on this hete forum. She spend most of her time caring for two low function adult autistic sons. Thatt cant be easy. Dunno if she got partñer to help out.

I know many parents would just dump them in an institution
I Iread of a mother who took autistic son to Mexico on vacation and left him there. My Chinese buddy told us that some folk with money give autistic son a load of monwy and send them off to live in cheap countries like Cambodia.

So hats off to Puli she got evety right to get tetchy at time

22-10-20, 13:58
Thanks for the "accolade", Charlie.

Actually I have a son and a daughter who are high functioning autistic but both have very complex mental health issues so yes, I can get tetchy reading some of the stuff on here.

25-10-20, 00:17
Thanks for da bump Puli

Folk needs reminded to not write careless reply to folk in distress

25-10-20, 12:42
and some people need to learn some manners!

31-10-20, 04:38
da final bump
folk is gettin da hump
dis shred is dead
but don't got a scoobie how to lock it