View Full Version : Angiogram - HELP

Elly 2
26-10-07, 13:31
Hi all, has anyone had an angiogram? I am suffering with severe chest pain which docs have said isn't heart related but new doc I have just seen has said just to make sure he wants me to have an angiogram. Well as you can imagine I have gone into instant panic mode and the pains are as we speak excruciating! I am so totally fed up with feeling so miserable and don't have anyone I can talk to. My daughter is very understanding but my husband thinks I am acting like a child, getting so wound up about it. Please help if you can

26-10-07, 19:03
Hello Elly !
Your doc is doing the right thing to eliminate any possible heart related pain. The test is quick and simple - go have it done and put your mind at rest that there is no lurking heart problem there. Panic make muscle tension go into overdrive, and as we are already primed to these chest pains we instantly think the worst. I had these tests done and it proved that I was getting muscle spasms caused by constant tension made worse by panic.
Keep up your relaxation exercises and calm breathing (I know easier said than done !)
Be kind to yourself

26-10-07, 23:00
My mom had one done back at the beginning of september. She said she didnt feel a thing and they even put 2 stents in her. Do not let the fear get at you too bad friend. It is a simple test from what my mom says and is over relatively quick.

27-10-07, 02:48
Well Elly, an angiogram is really very simple, over very quickly, uncomfortable rather than painful and if any problem is found, it can be fixed. As your docs think that your problem is not heart related, they are only doing it to be on the safe side.
The preparation for an angiogram varies frome place to place, so I won't say anything about that. When you go into the room, there will be alot of big electronic equipment, don't worry about it, that's just for taking the pics. The doc will talk to you about what's going to happen, then you will lie on the table, you may have some sedation, which will make you relax, but not go off to sleep. The doc will make a small nick in your groin, and thread in a very fine tube, which you won't feel. He/she will watch on the screen as it moves up to your heart, you won't feel any of this. When it is in your heart, they will inject some dye, this will give you a hot flush. They will then take some pics, take the tube out and then it's all over. Someone will press on your groin until the bleeding stops, this can take 15 mins. You will then have to rest somewhere until you are fit to leave, the time varies and you may have to stay overnight,especially if you are done in the late afternoon.
It is a sterile procedure, so all the docs and nurses will be wearing green or blue suits, hats and masks, so you can't see their faces.
You will be fine Elly, we do hundreds of these where I work, it's like doing the housework for the people doing them, so please don't get yourself into a state over it.

27-10-07, 09:21
Hi Elly,

Hope everything goes really well. I will be interested in knowing how you got on as I think I might have to have one as I have had 2 heart attacks. It will depend on the results of the echocardiogram I have on November 13th!

Take Care Elly xxxxxx :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Elly 2
28-10-07, 10:44
Thankyou all for your replies. I'm having such a bad time at the moment. Spent yesterday In A & E but ECG was normal and once they had the pain under control they sent me home. Today I feel awful, think I am having some kind of break down. My legs are like jelly and I feel as though I just can't cope. Went to make a cup of tea but just couldn't manage it. I feel absolutely dreadful. My dogs need to go out but I just can't take them, It's a dreadful feeling. I feel so helpless, I have always been in control of my life, but the way I feel is totally out of control. Thankyou all for your kind thoughts.