View Full Version : Random itchy/ tingly breasts

09-09-20, 00:04
Hey everyone. I had a breast scare back in Feb. I’m only 30 workout, eat very well. I felt a section of lumps. They did a Normal/ then 3d mammo and Ultrasound, came back all clear with pathologist saying there is nothing and it’s likely just how my tissue is stacked ( I went through the same thing back in 2016). I have fibrocystic breasts.

Anyway a few weeks later I developed an abscess under ( I’m well endowed and like I said workout a lot - cue sweat) but it was lanced, biopsied and was nothing.

I notice I have a lot of little baby red spider veins that my gyno confirmed are just veins.. they turn red whenever I’m hot/ in the sun on both breasts. They have since been getting smaller since I’ve been losing weight.

Now- ir has been really hot/ humid here and I’ve been sweating a ton- also breaking out all over my face and have noticed either pimples/ ingrown hairs on boobs....Recently.. in the past 4-5 days I’ve been developing itchy/ tingly breasts- not all the time but off and on.. kind of all over on both- it never hurts but sometimes feels like a little.. idk zing? Going towards the nipples or on the side. My period just ended 5 days ago... I’ll be fine all day and then out of nowehere bam.. but no other symptoms...No chafing/ coloring/ nothing.. just itchiness...

I’m into a lot of superfoods and have added matcha/garbanzo beans into my diet...

Honestly sometimes terrified it’s IBC... any thoughts would help.