View Full Version : Leukaemia Fear

09-09-20, 09:45
Hi everyone!

Signed up today and posting for a little bit of reassurance before I head for a blood test in 10 days. Back in October I was working in a care home, started getting sick all the time. It wasn't completely unexplained, obviously working somewhere that has 50 people or so everyday, including nurses from hospitals coming and going, it makes sense that germs are easily spread. On top of this, due to insomnia I would often be up for work at 6am on only a couple hours of sleep. I was always run down. Anyway, I got the actual flu in December last year, as did everyone else at the job, and it only took 5 or so days to recover. Then, on the 30th of March, I came down badly sick again and my partner took me to the hospital as I was struggling to even sit up. I had a blood test and it all came back clear apart from my lungs, which the Dr said were slightly inflamed. I eventually got better. However, my issue now is that every 2 - 3 weeks I seem to be coming down with the same symptoms. My nose runs terribly, which then develops into a cough, sometimes it causes headaches, and last week I got a sore throat from it. It usually lasts about 7 - 10 days, and so far I have noticed it triggers by being around people for long periods outside, or lack of sleep (so there has been an explanation for each time it has happened, it doesn't just come on by being at home). My Dr said it sounded like post nasal drip which it certainly sounded like to me, I have had nasal issues since I was a child. So where does this Leukaemia fear come into it? Well last night I was sat on my sofa and noticed my right leg, from near the bottom right up to my thigh was covered in bruises. I have counted 14 on that one leg. My left one has 3. I am not an active person, I don't play sports or anything, and other than a few known bumps that I remember, I cannot work out how I have managed to gain 17 bumps on my leg?? So take the frequent cold symptoms, and now the bruising, mix it with an unhealthy dose of an already awful anxiety disorder...and well Leukaemia is what I've come up with. I rang my Dr yesterday and I have a blood test on the 21st of September (he doesn't know why or anything, I just asked for one and he said sure lol).

I'd just like to ask, for anyone kind enough to have read all of the above, what are your thoughts? Obviously the frequent colds or whatever I'm getting (could be Post nasal drip) started back in October, and my last blood test was end of March, if i did have Leukaemia would that blood test have shown something? And though I currently have 17 bruises on my leg, they range from finger print size to just a little bigger. They are also all yellow, none of them have gone black/brown.

Unfortunately this is not something I feel I can discuss with my partner. He has dealt with a lot of cancer in his life, first his mum and then his ex partner. I feel it would be incredibly selfish of me to plant this on him when it's all speculation in my own mind. Alas, I turn to the internet!

Thanks to anyone that takes the time to read and reply, I truly appreciate it.

10-09-20, 20:21
Could anyone atleast tell me whether a blood a test at the end of March would have picked up on something atleast? How likely is it id develop leukemia between now and then :(

10-09-20, 21:24
We’re not doctors so that part is probably best left to the professionals. But I will say I always have bruises that I can’t place and I literally haven’t left the house since February, I don’t do much.

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11-09-20, 01:00
Could anyone atleast tell me whether a blood a test at the end of March would have picked up on something atleast? How likely is it id develop leukemia between now and then :(
My father in law had leukemia....believe me you could tell something was very wrong.