View Full Version : pennies from heaven

Pink Princess
26-10-07, 17:37
pennies from heaven

i found a penny today
just lying on the ground
but it isnt just a penny
this little coin i found
found pennies come from heaven
thats what my grannie told me
she said angels toss them down
oh how i loved that story
she said when an angel misses you
they toss a penny down
sometimes just to cheer you up
make a smile out of your frown
so do not pass by that penny
when your feeling blue
it maybe a penny from heaven
that an angel tossed for you

this is one of my favourite poems that just has a feeling about it to cheer you up xxx minnie xxxx

26-10-07, 18:05
That was a nice peom, :yesyes:

My mohter is always finding pennies, she pops them in her bag, ohh my goodness me at the end of the year she had collected lots, one year it added up to about 20 pounds :ohmy: A couple of times she found 10, 20 pound notes :ohmy: ohh she does have eyes like a hawk, LOL

Thank you for sharing :hugs:


26-10-07, 21:03
That was beautiful Pink, you really are very talented.

love Mags xxxxxxxxx

26-10-07, 21:17
Awwwww Min:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:flowers: