View Full Version : Does this sound familiar to any of you

12-09-20, 00:40
I’m an avid golf player and typically play golf about 2-3 times a week. I played golf last Thursday, last Friday and then went and played again on Sunday. When I played last Sunday I played with a new friend and had a massive panic attack, started seeing stars, felt flushed and had a massive fight or flight reflex on hole 3 (30 mins in).

I chalked it up to “one of those things”
And today I went to play golf again, and the same thing happened at the same time!

It was around 100 F heat index (and I normally play golf in the morning when it’s 15 degrees cooler) but I’m still super worried!

Does anything like this happen to anyone?
Wouldn’t it be weird to go from playing golf with no problem to not being able to do it so quickly?

12-09-20, 06:30
I’m an avid golf player and typically play golf about 2-3 times a week. I played golf last Thursday, last Friday and then went and played again on Sunday. When I played last Sunday I played with a new friend and had a massive panic attack, started seeing stars, felt flushed and had a massive fight or flight reflex on hole 3 (30 mins in).

I chalked it up to “one of those things”
And today I went to play golf again, and the same thing happened at the same time!

Your brain (amygdala) remembered that you had a panic attack on hole 3. It associated the situation with 'danger' (albeit not a real one) which triggered the fight or flight response. It's that simple.

12-09-20, 18:06
Or you could have had an attack of "the yips" like the golfing elite do...?

17-09-20, 08:59
Your brain (amygdala) remembered that you had a panic attack on hole 3. It associated the situation with 'danger' (albeit not a real one) which triggered the fight or flight response. It's that simple.

Much truth spoken.

Also, walking around in 100deg heat is very stressful on the body, and you may have become a little dehydrated too, which ramps up cortisol a lot.