View Full Version : A little bit sore!

14-09-20, 08:15
Hello everyone its time for a slightly tmi thread once again in the bowel section!

Obviously I know noone can give me a diagnosis only my gp can but im just wondering if anyone had had similar before because I've banned myself from Google.

Essentially what happened a day ago was I went for my morning -delivery- shall we say and during the movement my bum stung like a an absolute bugger, it really did. Then I finished and did a wipe and saw some blood on the paper, was mild panic but realised bright blood is usually not bad. I've been twice since that moment and each time my bum stings but no blood came out. Any ideas?

14-09-20, 08:18
Could be a very minor fissure. Nothing to worry about. It will heal.

I'd get on with settling into uni life and forget about it, Aleman.

14-09-20, 10:13
What Pulisa said.

14-09-20, 18:37
Thanks you two! I'm not going to worry about it, i'm sure it'll heal in it's own time. If it stings constantly then i'll get some cream!

14-09-20, 19:44
Absolutely..The simple remedy is always the best option.

15-09-20, 00:58
I just use a little Savlon cream when it happens to me.
Clears up pretty quickly.