View Full Version : Terrified of poisoning from antiseptic wipes- Help?

15-09-20, 03:20
Hi all,

I hope you are well. I am having a bad night because of the situation detailed below. If anyone has any words of wisdom, I would appreciate them!

Yesterday, I brought home some groceries. Since the pandemic began, I've been wiping the packaging of my groceries down with benzalkonium chloride antiseptic wipes. As I was wiping down a package of blackberries, I realized there were sizable vents in the packaging and I had accidentally wiped down some of the blackberries directly. I put the berries in the fridge, thinking I would figure out what to do later. Today, I forgot about the situation entirely and just ate a bunch of the berries. Only upon finding a fiber from one of the wipes IN MY MOUTH did I remember what had happened.
Now I am terrified that I have benzalkonium chloride poisoning. I've freaked myself out because I looked it up online and a bunch of people have died from ingesting concentrated benzalkonium chloride, though most people who have gotten hurt have ingested 1/2 cup of it or more. I am nonetheless VERY worried.

Words of comfort or wisdom?

Thanks, guys. <3

20-09-20, 15:31
Nothing can and will happen. Nothing.
But what i would suggest, that has nothing to do with the wipes, is: wash the berries before eating them. These little guys need to be washed before eating.

20-09-20, 16:15
Words of wisdom?

Stop researching nonsense on the internet.