View Full Version : Sinus Infection Issues

15-09-20, 21:34
Hi All, im new here. I recently had sinisitis.. well my ear got blocked first for a week then I started feeling like I was getting a cold. Dr prescribed my antibiotics for my ear... I got a couple of nosebleeds and was given Naspetin. Did all that symptoms developed into full blow sinusitis. Kept getting worse more antibiotics this got rid of the pain which was good. But congestion got worse, given a steroid spray made nose bleed worse and nose felt like it was burning when breathing. This is now 5 weeks of it. On more antibiotics don’t feel much better. Congestion in the nose so bad sometime both nostrils get blocked together. Begged Dr for X-ray so waiting for that. Am so panicked and anxious I think I might be making myself worse. I’m fed up I don’t feel I can go on like this and the Dr seems to be on slow mode like as if it’s just a blocked nose. Now am worried it’s gonna be something bad or they are never going to be able to get rid of this congestion I’m so scared and worried. Anyone else been through the same?

15-09-20, 23:05
Sinus infections are very difficult to get rid of so you might have to be on antibiotics for several months. I've had them in the past when I was teaching full time, it was one infection after another and took months to clear. Doxycycline is an excellent antibiotic for sinus infections. A friend of mine ended up having an op as hers was becoming constant. That remedied her situation but hopefully you won't need that. Good to have the X-rays but they might not show much. Good luck with it all.

15-09-20, 23:57
Hey Wisemonkey thanks for the reply. Glad to know that I’m not the only one going through this as I thought I must be as it’s lasting so long. I was given Doxycycline for 7 days and it got rid of the pain. But I’ve still got congestion I’m on another set of antibiotics now. But the Dr keeps pushing for me to use Dimister I’m a bit anxious as from using the last steroid spray I was getting nosebleeds. But yes I’m glad I got the X-ray some small peace of mind. Just feel so alone in this right now like no one understands how it makes you feel being I’ll well congested and bunged up for weeks. How did yours eventually clear? 😊

16-09-20, 19:35
Anyone been through sinus infections/issues lasting 5 weeks plus would love some advice health anxiety really getting the better of me. Stressed out and nose keeps bleeding too. Feel so down and like I can’t carry on and feel like a bad Mum for not being well for 5 weeks now. Just wanna get better so I can do things again with kids. This issue has really made me anxious and paranoid I’m so scared it won’t go away...

17-09-20, 20:28
I had it for months as part of my ongoing illness since March. I think mine was due to silent reflux. Just make sure that if you take any antibiotics that you also take a good probiotic.

18-09-20, 00:01
I had it for months as part of my ongoing illness since March. I think mine was due to silent reflux. Just make sure that if you take any antibiotics that you also take a good probiotic.

So X-ray showed the infection, cut a long story short... my HA got the better of me and I thought I would die from the infection worked myself up and ended up at A&E, lucky they had an ENT department and the ENT Dr looked into my Nose with a Tiny cam. Turns out the lining in the nose is so inflamed mucus is stuck. Given me Dymister and stay on antibiotics for two weeks then will review he said it could take months and end result could be surgery to have it drained. I didn’t realise how long sinusitis was being it’s the first time I e ever had it. Worried on how to cope with this alk now