View Full Version : for ladies: spotting between periods

16-09-20, 00:07
hi all,
I'm 41 and in perimenopause timeframe. for 2 cycles, I noticed that I spotted the next day after being intimate with husband. this was after my period has ended for a week or so. the spotting would last like 2-4 days then stopped. so I gathered my courage and checked in with obgyn doc. Pelvic exam was normal. she said cervix looks a little bit irritated but nothing concerning. So she sent me for some hormone tests and infection test because in perimenopause, irregular hormone can cause spotting. She asked me to monitor. if I continue next cycle she would send me for ultrasound.

for a normal person, this would sound minor. for health anxiety people like me, now I started questioning. My Pap smear was clear just 3 months ago. Shall she send me for ultrasound right away? I didn't dare to ask what kind of ultrasound. Now I'll be on edge for the next 4 weeks or so. any lady experience this and turn out nothing? thanks for reading

Update: I went through pelvic ultrasound and it’s normal. However she said if irregular bleeding happens again, she wants a endometrial biopsy.

I didn’t get to talk to her. This is just messaging with her nurses via email. Does endometrial biopsy mean cancer suspicion? The pelvic exam and ultrasound are normal. Would they show something if it’s Uterius cancer? I’m freaking out

16-09-20, 16:12
Hi admin, where did you move my post? I’m trying to find it

16-09-20, 16:25
We didn't move it. You posted it in the correct forum

25-09-20, 17:49

Anyone has experience in this? I can’t focus

25-09-20, 17:54
Hi all
I went through pelvic exam, pelvic ultrasound because I had brown spotting after sex last 2 months a week after my period ended.

Nothing was found except cervix was a little irritated in pelvic exam. gyn said she wants endometrial biopsy if spotting happens again this time. So scared. If it’s U.C would it show something on the ultrasound or via pelvic exam? I’m only 41 and my hormone tests are okay.

Anyone have gone through this before could give me some feedback? Thanks so much

25-09-20, 19:25
We have hundreds of posts about this so please do have a search and read them

25-09-20, 22:48
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
