View Full Version : Got scan result today eek

26-10-07, 19:42
I have severe spinal problem in my neck with herniated disc and arthritis which has disabled me. For many many years I have been suffering with rest of my spine as well and being a neurotic heap about health matters I decided that I would like to know what was wrong with rest of my spine ( when will I learn!) so I because of long wait on NHS for MRI scans I paid and had my thoracic and lumbar spine scanned on Monday.

Went to Dr;s today for result and my lumbar spine is as expected - multi level disc degeneration with two herniated discs and wear and teat on the vertebrae but the thoracic spine was a bit surprising. spine okay but what seems to be a neurofibroma attached to my T4 vertebrae measuring about three quarters of an inch. It isn't pressing on anything so shouldn't be causing a problem but radiographer says I should have it scanned with contrast agent arghhh.

My Gp says I have probably always had this maybe even from birth and its may or may not get bigger. She said only risk is if it got big enough to start pressing on things and causing a problem but in itself it is not harmful.

I will see my neurosurgeon in two weeks with result but I see him privately as the wait originally with my neck problem was going to be two years!! he is very good and goes a reduced rate for me but I cannot afford to pay for the MRI with contrast injection so have to navigate our NHS. Hopefully the neurosurgeon can get me onto his NHS list without my GP having to refer me to him which will mean a huge long wait again.

MY gp says the trouble with these scans is they often pick up things that would never cause a problem but have to be investigated.

One one hand the scan has confirmed that all my pain and weird sensations are caused by my damaged spine and at least nothing sinister has shown up but not a happy bunny about the neurofibroma even if I have had it all my life and its just been undetected up to now:weep:

I did a little bit of googling:shrug: on neurofibroma and my GP seems to telling me the truth that in themselves they are not a problem just if they get too big in wrong bit of body:wacko:

26-10-07, 20:28
I'm off ill at the moment due to dizziness and neck pain. My mRI showed early bone degeneration in my neck. I'm now waiting to see a neuro surgeon. Bit worried about it so I know how you feel. I've also got a bone growth on my neck (called an oesteophyte). I've had problems for 3 years and my old doctor kept telling me to breath deeply and I would be fine!!
I finally changed my doctor who immediately sent me for a neck x-ray. at least now I'm getting answers but I do wonder if I've got the bone degeneration down my back as I've had probelms there as well.

Your doctor sounds very good so be reassured by that.

I'm now on a waiting list so no idea how long it will take. mean while I'm in trouble at work for having too much time off sick.

Take care and good luck!

26-10-07, 21:24
Bunty you sound just like me 8 years ago! My Dr was at least correct in telling me my troubles were due to my neck but it was only 5 yeras ago that I got the neck MRI. I have herniated disc at C5/6 plus huge osteophyte pressing on my spinal cord hence referral to neurosurgeon.

All I can say is think very very carefully before decided on any operation. Luckily my neuro is not scalpel happy and he said unless I start to lose function or the pain is so unbearable I don't want to live then don't have any neck ops as there is a 2% chance you could end up paralysed from waist down so always bear that in mind!

I have numerous head and neck symptoms from intense tingling crawling over scalp and face to horrible ear and face pain to vertigo and constant unsteadiness, plus cannot raise my arms much etc etc.

i had to give up work but doqualify for disability. good luck

01-11-07, 14:52
I'm trying not to worry about what will happen but it's quite difficult!
I've got to get signed off work long term. Off to see my doctor tomorrow.
I've been told by my manager that as soon as I go back to work I will not be allowed any sick leave and if I do go off sick I will get a final warning. If I then have further time off they'll dismiss me.
So I'm preparing for the worst and trying to figure out a way of earning money at home if I can't go out and work.
