View Full Version : Poison Ivy Rash

17-09-20, 18:57
Sorry for being the author to so many posts. Might aswell just make a thread called "The moaning James"

I went for a walk in the woods last weekend with me and my son. We ended up getting lost and off the beaten path in some bushes. We had to climb over trees and all sorts.

I got back and was fine, but the next day my upper thigh on my right side were very painful. I didn't understand why until a few days later when I developed a rash. Every day I get a new rash patch. The rash is like lots of little tiny blisters that itch. But if i itch them they pop and then become sore and scab over so I am trying not to touch them.

I do remember climbing over a tree that had some type of weed growing around it's branch. My right leg would have touched it as I was wearing shorts. Looks identical to a poison ivy rash.

Any way to make this go away? I've read the rash can last weeks. Any topical treatments?

17-09-20, 19:28
Sorry for being the author to so many posts. Might aswell just make a thread called "The moaning James"

I went for a walk in the woods last weekend with me and my son. We ended up getting lost and off the beaten path in some bushes. We had to climb over trees and all sorts.

I got back and was fine, but the next day my upper thigh on my right side were very painful. I didn't understand why until a few days later when I developed a rash. Every day I get a new rash patch. The rash is like lots of little tiny blisters that itch. But if i itch them they pop and then become sore and scab over so I am trying not to touch them.

I do remember climbing over a tree that had some type of weed growing around it's branch. My right leg would have touched it as I was wearing shorts. Looks identical to a poison ivy rash.

Any way to make this go away? I've read the rash can last weeks. Any topical treatments?
Good ol' calamine lotion at a guess?

17-09-20, 20:33

Something to consider?

17-09-20, 20:46

Something to consider?


17-09-20, 20:50
My daughter is the authority on covid symptoms...

There's a wide variety if you seek them out as she does..

17-09-20, 21:24
I think it's best for my HA I don't seek them out :wacko:

17-09-20, 22:00
Could you ID the climber from these James?

Common Ivy https://www.naturespot.org.uk/species/common-ivy

Black Bryony https://wildflowerfinder.org.uk/Flowers/B/Bryony(Black)/Bryony(Black).htm

Both are potentially toxic and the first can cause allergic reactions. With black bryony the sap is an irritant, my Dad has it growing in his hedge.

17-09-20, 23:17
Oh wow, thanks fishman! It looks like this I think (I could be wrong): https://warehouse1.indicia.org.uk/upload/p16b1ooq0v28u15ds1rb31k8rn5p3.jpg

The rash is horrible. Lots of little tiny spots; the spots are tiny blisters. I've seen some horrible pictures on Google that freaked me out. I've got about 10 patches, only on right inner thigh and a couple patches towards the outside of the thigh. It has to have been from when I climbed over the fallen tree which looks like the image I posted.

The rash is painful, and when not painful they itch. I don't know if E45 helps, but it soothes it.

Can't believe it. Trust this to happen to me. I definitely did see black bryon but I don't know if any of it touched me.

This looks like mine, but on my thigh: https://i0.wp.com/images-prod.healthline.com/hlcmsresource/images/topic_centers/2019-4/Severe-poison-ivy-rash-1296x728-gallery_slide2.jpg?w=1575%20750w

17-09-20, 23:32
Here's some pictures actually of my leg.

* https://i.imgur.com/Ggl7CqS.png
* https://i.imgur.com/DZyTUed.png (you can see the tiny blister spots)

Don't mess with that stuff man. It's nasty. I always thought people were joking about ivy ... hence why I wasn't bothered about it.

I can't wear trousers or shorts atm, just very short boxers. Plastering my leg in E45 is a winner.

18-09-20, 12:06
I just went through this myself. Got it weed wacking the yard. I'm on the tail end but it was on my legs, arms and body. A raised bumpy red splotchy rash that itched like all get out! As suggested, topical remedies like hydrocortisone, calamine lotion, Benadryl and one that really helped me was Aveeno anti-itch lotion. Its been three weeks and its pretty much gone but still annoying.

Positive thoughts

18-09-20, 12:33
I just went through this myself. Got it weed wacking the yard. I'm on the tail end but it was on my legs, arms and body. A raised bumpy red splotchy rash that itched like all get out! As suggested, topical remedies like hydrocortisone, calamine lotion, Benadryl and one that really helped me was Aveeno anti-itch lotion. Its been three weeks and its pretty much gone but still annoying.

Positive thoughts

Thanks fishmanpa (there's 2 fishmans in this thread lol). I'm glad there's somebody who can relate even though its not very nice to experience. Bloody nasty stuff. I honestly thought the poison ivy thing was a bit of a wives tale.

19-09-20, 00:32
Funny story to cheer you up, James (and to lower the tone as is my mission on Misc :yesyes:).

One of the other managers I worked with years ago told me how he was pretty hammered in a local pub. He was dying to go to the toilet but it was full. He decided, since he was out of it, to head into the back yard and let loose in the bushes. Now, being drunk the bodily control was gone and he ended up in the bushes themselves doing it. Bad mistake. He unzipped, let fly and found he was doing it in nettles. :ohmy::roflmao:

Try explaining to the local plod that you are 'relieving the sting' with a dock leaf out the back of the pub :blush::nicked:

I hope it goes soon, intense itching is horrible. Definitely calamine lotion to cool it but you can get itch relief creams too. The current extra heat probably won't be helping you either.

19-09-20, 00:41
You are a hot mess, James :roflmao:

19-09-20, 18:04
You are a hot mess, James :roflmao:

I'm not sure if that's a compliment?

19-09-20, 18:07
Funny story to cheer you up, James (and to lower the tone as is my mission on Misc :yesyes:).

One of the other managers I worked with years ago told me how he was pretty hammered in a local pub. He was dying to go to the toilet but it was full. He decided, since he was out of it, to head into the back yard and let loose in the bushes. Now, being drunk the bodily control was gone and he ended up in the bushes themselves doing it. Bad mistake. He unzipped, let fly and found he was doing it in nettles. :ohmy::roflmao:

Try explaining to the local plod that you are 'relieving the sting' with a dock leaf out the back of the pub :blush::nicked:

I hope it goes soon, intense itching is horrible. Definitely calamine lotion to cool it but you can get itch relief creams too. The current extra heat probably won't be helping you either.

ROFL! So he was basically stood there rubbing himself with a dock leaf?!

Itching has gone they're just sore now (didn't scratch). Still walking around in lose boxers if I put clothes on it irritates it. I think it's easing up.

19-09-20, 20:21
I'm not sure if that's a compliment?

It's a little bit of both LOL Over here that means an attractive person that just can't quite get it together!

21-09-20, 20:13
Funny story to cheer you up, James (and to lower the tone as is my mission on Misc :yesyes:).

One of the other managers I worked with years ago told me how he was pretty hammered in a local pub. He was dying to go to the toilet but it was full. He decided, since he was out of it, to head into the back yard and let loose in the bushes. Now, being drunk the bodily control was gone and he ended up in the bushes themselves doing it. Bad mistake. He unzipped, let fly and found he was doing it in nettles. :ohmy::roflmao:

Try explaining to the local plod that you are 'relieving the sting' with a dock leaf out the back of the pub :blush::nicked:

One of those situations Terry where you want rid of the itching but leave the swelling? :D

24-09-20, 15:19
It's a little bit of both LOL Over here that means an attractive person that just can't quite get it together!


My rash has almost gone. Just some scabbed areas.

24-09-20, 20:38
Good to hear!

25-09-20, 17:46
Poison ivy can be hard to spot. My dad's been pointing it out to me for years and I've only just managed to be able to notice it growing in the woods.

I'm not allergic to it (which can change, so I guess I'm not allergic...yet) but my mom is horribly allergic to the stuff. It can be very nasty. There are lots of lotions and creams you can get to help with it. She also has a special soap she bought to wash with if she thinks she's been exposed, before a rash shows up.

Thankfully, it's not dangerous, just horribly irritating. And it should clear up soon. Best of luck and I hope you feel better!