View Full Version : Extreme dizziness

21-09-20, 20:48
Last night I was sitting at my computer playing games with my husband when suddenly I started to feel dizzy like the room was moving around me. I tried to ignore it and finished up the game. When we went to bed I was feeling very dizzy like I was going to pass out any moment. It was so bad that I couldn't even look at the tv without it getting 100 times worse. My heart rate jumped and I could feel it pounding in my chest. I was able to get that under control with deep breathing but the dizziness persisted. It probably lasted an hour or more before finally subcidding. Now today I am home alone and spending all my time worrying that its going to happen again. I posted recently about worries I have about my heart so I'm convinced its related. I have been having what I assume is TMJ issues. My left jaw jas been aching and I find myself clenching it a lot while stressed at work. Can anyone relate to this issue or give me reassurance that its just anxiety related? I know I'm driving my husband mad with this anxiety I've been having recently so any help is greatly appreciated.

21-09-20, 22:58
I totally understand you one of my worst symptoms is dizziness, l have had it for years on and off its very debilitating at times, its due to anxiety try not to focus on it as it will hang around longer, keep yourself busy, l find exercise and mindfulness music helps too. l also had cbt this helped me are you getting any help, if not get intouch with your doctor, talking helps take care have some you time xx

21-09-20, 23:14
Thank you for replying :) I dont currently have a doctor but I am in thr process of getting one. Dizziness is awful and very terrifying in the moment so its hard not to let my anxiety run wild with it. How have you been handling it? Are you feeling better?

21-09-20, 23:28
Thank you for replying :) I dont currently have a doctor but I am in thr process of getting one. Dizziness is awful and very terrifying in the moment so its hard not to let my anxiety run wild with it. How have you been handling it? Are you feeling better?

l just ignore it now I'm that use to it l know you might think how do you ignore it, but when you had it as long as l have it becomes less bothersome, l can go months without any dizziness, but when my anxiety is high it comes and goes, try your best to get a doctor l take fluoxetine and have had cbt therapy it works for me also talking therapy helps its not for everyone but talk about your options, also keep active hydrated and plenty of rest when needed, try not to focus on anxiety it will make it harder for you hope this helps xx

29-09-20, 23:15
I've felt like this before with anxiety. Dizziness is hands down one of the worst physical symptoms in my opinion.

Sending so much love your way. ❤️ I hope you feel better soon. X

01-10-20, 13:27
Dizziness is directly related to muscle tension, especially around the neck and jaw.

And guess what can set it off really easily? Sitting down staring at a screen (playing games, watching TV etc).

I used to get this a lot, and found the best thing to do is a kind of neck yoga exercise where you stand up and rotate your head around gently, look up, down, left right etc. Don't force it too much. You may find looking down makes it a lot worse briefly, but it's not indicative of anything dangerous. It helps 'reset' where your brain thinks your head should be vs where it actually is.

Mine was always triggered by working (I'm a sound designer and spend a long period of time hunched over looking at small controls on a screen). I would often get a sudden sensation of falling/twisting/spinning out of nowhere followed by feeling very dizzy.

02-10-20, 03:53
Thanks emmer! It is a very hard symptom to deal with. I appreciate the kind words. I'm trying so hard to get better <3

Thanks for the advice Joe I will try that. I definitely carry a LOT of tension in my neck so that makes a lot of sense :)