View Full Version : Worried sick.

24-09-20, 21:23
Hey me again, unfortunately.
Basica ive been under the weather for a few weeks scared to death of covid but my results came back saturday just gone they were negative. Come Sunday night bare in mind we aint been nowhere me and my son, he woke with a fever but his throat was bad so was given meds plus alot of ppl have had tonsilitis around here not covid anyway monday he was fine temp gone but on the night i obviously caught whatever he had and ny throat has been horrible but my fever onky lasted the one day also. Because of a neg test sat they told me we didnt need to be tested again and it was a bug going around ok. But now i am very short of breath but my anxiety is high and my tension in ny body is very bad includimg my stomach almist like im holding my breath, oxygen sats are always 98/99 even when im feeling this way hut im petrified there's something wrong i feel so sacred cant stop crying cant stop the tension im just a mess.. having pains also cos of tension can tension make me feel so breathless. Also earlier for a good half hour my mind wasnt on my breathing and i didnt feel so breathless but my mind wont get off it its do horriblr i cant stop the bad thoughts nomore. I dont know what to do :(

25-09-20, 08:18
But now i am very short of breath but my anxiety is high

Severe anxiety will make you feel short of breath because of hyperventilation etc

and my tension in ny body is very bad includimg my stomach almist like im holding my breath

I'm a breath holder too. Completely empty your lungs of air and then try box breathing - as in - breathe in deeply for 4 secs, hold for 4, out for 4, and hold for 4. The Calm app has a free breathing guide, and it's very useful. You can also adjust it so that the timing feels right for you.

oxygen sats are always 98/99 even when im feeling this way

You're unlikely to have normal oxygen sats if your lungs are genuinely struggling.

Also earlier for a good half hour my mind wasnt on my breathing and i didnt feel so breathless but my mind wont get off it its do horriblr i cant stop the bad thoughts nomore. I dont know what to do :(

Read this back to yourself as many times as it takes for it to go in...


If you must focus on your breath - really get involved. Observe how an anxious thought will make your heart speed up and affect how you breathe. Some people breathe fast, others hold their breath and some veer from one to another. At that moment, you start to breathe deeply and from your diaphragm. This will engage the parasympathetic nervous system which will turn OFF the fight or flight that has been triggered by your FEAR that something is wrong. NOTHING is wrong. Your body is working perfectly. It is reacting to danger, except that it doesn't know that the 'danger' are your thoughts and not a real danger - your body will react exactly the same, and every single time.

You know that you are having pain because parts of your body are so tense, so progressive muscle relaxation might benefit you?

You don't have to stop the anxious thoughts, you just need to understand what is happening, and why. Your magnificent body is doing what it is supposed to do. It's up to you to control your anxiety so that you don't keep flipping the fight or flight switch on.