View Full Version : Have you found anxiety harder to deal with during lockdown?

25-09-20, 15:47
I've said this before in my last post but it seems that anxiety, especially stuff that I use to deal with fine, has now become increasingly difficult through each week of lockdown. Granted, I'm also unemployed at the moment but still. Has anyone else had the same troubles? Have you felt anxiety is tougher now than it has been before? Thanks

25-09-20, 15:56
I have really struggled since lockdown. Have had multiple bouts of intense acute anxiety over the last 7 months. I was finally beginning to relax in August, but the second wave has knocked me back. I’m coming out of it again now, but I’ve never been more aware of the need to take care of my mental health.

There’s just so much uncertainty, and if you’re unemployed that adds another layer of worry. I think we have to realise that we are going through a period of collective trauma where our lives and routines have been completely uprooted. Be kind and give yourself time to come to terms with they way things are now.

27-09-20, 14:01
Yes, definitely. In fact I think the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown contributed to my relapse in July. I have been working from home since mid-March, and at first it was a novelty, but as the weeks went on I began to feel more isolated and fed up. I began to adopt bad habits like going to bed really late and napping in the evening after work, not exercising and eating unhealthy snacks. By late May/June, I noticed I was having more negative thoughts and worries. Then in early July I had a full-blown anxiety relapse, with physical anxiety symptoms and constant intrusive thoughts about mistakes I've made in the past, and existential intrusive thoughts.

28-09-20, 09:32
Yes, change of routine, uncertainty of the future and when it will end and not being free to do the things I usually do have all contributed to anxiety.