View Full Version : Im tired of it all...

27-10-07, 02:04
Im so convinced im going to go mad. Im petrified that i will hear voices in my head. I dont know what to do. Im sitting here in tears - my heads spinning and i just want to stop this all. When i close my eyes it feels as though im on a rollercoaster. I dont know whats happening to me anymore, im 18years old and im a nervous wreck.

Someone please help...


27-10-07, 02:55
Have you had the physical things checked out? that might be the first step,if you've got an infection in your inner ear, that might be why you feel like you're on a roller coaster. It can be caused by anxiety, I know that only too well, been there, done that. But please see your doc, they are there to help, if it turns out there is no cause, then you can get some help for your mind.

27-10-07, 03:08
Ive been to doctors 5 times this year about this rollercoaster feeling and he says its not an infection but gave me antibiotics just incase, they didnt help.

Told him about my anxiety and he gave me some leaflets and then told me to come back if it carries on.

Im scared he will get me sectioned if i admit i think im going mad =[

27-10-07, 05:40
Hi Broken - you are not alone.

I often feel like I've got my own built in roller coaster - sometimes I'm up, othertimes I'm down, but the biggy for me is not knowing where I'll be tomorrow.

To me (thats me, non medically trained) it sounds like anxiety. Theres literally 1000's of symptoms it can manifest itself as. You've realised theres a problem - step 1. If your current GP can't help then change. It did me the world of good talking to someone who actually knew how I felt.

Took me 7 months to find him, but I'm sure you can do it a lot quicker. Just don't be fobbed off - change, change and change again until someone actually listens. Might sound like mission impossible, but a few hours on the phone and you can see someone who actually cares.


27-10-07, 10:38
Hi Stacey, please believe you are not going mad and you wont be sectioned, are you on any meds for anxiety as this can give you all kinds of strange feelings. Go back to your docs and ask for more help if he wont change your doc.Have you any friends or family you could talk to.
hope you feel better soon.
Lesleyb:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

27-10-07, 13:08
PLEASE read through some of the stuff on the left of screen.
Panic attacks / anxiety / Symptoms.
apart from anything else it will settle your mind "just a bit" to know that other people have and are having the same symptoms.
If you print some of them off you can hi-lite the ones that match your own.
And that (probably everyone) almost everyone on this site has horrible feelings and sensations (i know they feel worse than sensations) just like you are having right now.
A councillor might help but again you have to find one you like. Like everything in life it is not easy but worth a try!!!!
Best wishes to you

21-02-09, 19:45
i have a similer anxiety and panic i have had councelling and it has worked right up to now but im still very down how can i snap out of this