View Full Version : Daily anxiety feelings

29-09-20, 21:41
At the moment I have daily anxiety where I feel weak or get hunger and worry I will die. I often feel spaced out or weak and panicy. For months I had some ocd or solipsism worries however this is my latest fear. Each day I worry I will die I have this fear every day how can I deal with these fears? I emailed my therapist I seen last year however I have twice been ignored. :blush:

30-09-20, 08:58
Each day I worry I will die I have this fear every day how can I deal with these fears?

You will die, (I'm stating the obvious here) but probably not today.

You deal with these fears by facing them.

Also by thinking about how many times you have worried that you are imminently going to die, and how many times you have actually died - which is zero.

I do understand because I have been there with that awful feeling of foreboding where I'm utterly convinced I am about to keel over. It never happened. I didn't keel over. I never even fainted!

We're not living while we are spending all day worrying we're going to die. This is existing at best. My advice? Get your head round death, cocker. Make your peace with it. Reframe it, and understand that, while anxiety symptoms can indeed make us feel like we are about to hit the proverbial deck, they are just the very physical response to our irrational thoughts.

30-09-20, 09:19
Nora, I really admire your empathy and patience, but please believe me when I say you're giving it to the wrong person here.

30-09-20, 23:51
Phil. I'm really sorry that you're in such a bad place right now. Unfortunately you're the only person that can truly get yourself out of this hole. It's scary and awful and yeah, it's mega unfair.

It's really good that you reached out to your therapist. Maybe look at some online CBT, call a helpline, journal, call the doctor, find a private therapist. You have all the tools at your disposal to help yourself get well, you just need to find your strength and push through, reach out.

Sending positive thoughts and love your way. [emoji3590]

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01-10-20, 11:30
Thanks for the good advice.

My trigger for all this has been my wife took a funny turn when I was out at the shops she couldn’t see and she looked dazed. That for me questioning how perhaps one day you can feel fine and next day a heart attack and die? The result has been I have been very anxious all day and nervous to go too far from home. I have found a therapist willing to see me in person but how safe is that with Covid? I am not a fan of video calling but perhaps face to face is useful? One I found did first CBT session for free

01-10-20, 13:30
What could be causing my hunger feelings? I feel a constant tension like I am burning off energy worrying could this be the anxiety at work?

01-10-20, 13:49
I have had hunger anxiety often after eating I feel hungry or all day I feel my anxiety burning energy as I sit and worry is this an anxiety sunroom and will it pass? Also when I feel anxious I struggle to digest the food it’s a real struggle to eat without taking a drink?

01-10-20, 13:53

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

02-10-20, 07:15
please believe me when I say you're giving it to the wrong person here.

Story of my life Blue. :ohmy:

02-10-20, 22:47
I had a better day today but I felt bad tonight as I worried how Covid can strike people down in a day as I seen Trump going to hospital. So yes also I hear so many people catching Covid some mild but you hear how ill you can become which is very scary. Like one day you can be well then one day not this is my biggest fear right now? I am pondering if I should pay for more CBT or not. I have felt ok but had hunger tonight again? My worry is when I feel this way I don’t want to travel far from home?

03-10-20, 01:04
Every news report I’ve seen over here is saying trump only has mild symptoms. He was however injected with an experimental medication apparently, so my guess is he’s being transported to Walter Reed as a precaution and for observation. Only time will tell though.

03-10-20, 08:21
If he was your average 70+ year old here he'd be told to take paracetamol and to call NHS 111 if his symptoms worsened.

I'm sure he will respond to the experimental medication though....

03-10-20, 10:08
Yes he is old so that’s true but my worry is bad right now I don’t want to leave too far from home incase I fall ill. I was in town the other day and felt hunger and weak and eventually it passed? When I think about it the symptom appears. I am u sure what to do about CBT as many have told me that the resources are already online. But yes right now my worry is falling ill so I just want to stay in can anyone help?

03-10-20, 10:32
If he was your average 70+ year old here he'd be told to take paracetamol and to call NHS 111 if his symptoms worsened.

I'm sure he will respond to the experimental medication though....

Poor old B... maybe just inject him with bleach and disinfectant :yesyes:
He will respond with the experimental drugs remember what he said,it’s a hoax and etc :D

03-10-20, 22:22
I feel very worried about becoming ill and still have hunger feelings. How can I relax myself or challenge these thoughts? I want to stay house bound due to these feelings?

03-10-20, 23:48
If he was your average 70+ year old here he'd be told to take paracetamol and to call NHS 111 if his symptoms worsened.

I'm sure he will respond to the experimental medication though....

Are you sure Pulisa l thought he would take bleach 🤭 hehehe xx

04-10-20, 11:21

04-10-20, 13:55

Flushed with success? His pipework will be gleaming and germ-free after a course of that treatment!

04-10-20, 14:29
Any tips to stop me feeling as run down? I don’t always feel hungry now but feel run down and tired? Can the anxiety wear you out like that?

04-10-20, 14:43
Flushed with success? His pipework will be gleaming and germ-free after a course of that treatment!

Maybe he's taking Oleandrin. The "cure" the My Pillow Guy is hawking? :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

14-10-20, 00:26
I am feeling a little lost at the moment as I went to see a therapist but it never lead to a further appointment and my last one ignored me. The issue is despite me telling them how I feel about my fears of dying ect seems little they can do. I am a little worried by covid as it’s on news every day I worry more. In my actual area I believe 1-4 people caught it in last week so not many but things have got worse in scotland. I just feel I need to talk to somebody about it. Before covid I could look forward to a holiday or gig so when I have a panic attack I can get through that. But with the virus I have a lot of free time everything is closed at the moment I am a little bored in the house there is no gigs to look forward to I feel a little down and worried for myself? I am thinking very negative. Over the summer I got on with some home improvements as many done but even now they are done. And xmas won’t be much of an affair as you can’t see your family not allowed in houses or groups so can anybody cheer me up? How can I rid myself of these fears of dying?

14-10-20, 00:30
Any tips to stop me feeling as run down? I don’t always feel hungry now but feel run down and tired? Can the anxiety wear you out like that?

Yes 100%

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14-10-20, 00:39
I am feeling a little lost at the moment as I went to see a therapist but it never lead to a further appointment and my last one ignored me. The issue is despite me telling them how I feel about my fears of dying ect seems little they can do. I am a little worried by covid as it’s on news every day I worry more. In my actual area I believe 1-4 people caught it in last week so not many but things have got worse in scotland. I just feel I need to talk to somebody about it. Before covid I could look forward to a holiday or gig so when I have a panic attack I can get through that. But with the virus I have a lot of free time everything is closed at the moment I am a little bored in the house there is no gigs to look forward to I feel a little down and worried for myself? I am thinking very negative. Over the summer I got on with some home improvements as many done but even now they are done. And xmas won’t be much of an affair as you can’t see your family not allowed in houses or groups so can anybody cheer me up? How can I rid myself of these fears of dying?

I know exactly where your coming from it feels like life has lost its sparkle without being able to undertake normal activities. What I suggest is to point out the obvious but you are not alone in all of this! Read the thread which began in Jan/Feb time about covid! This has been going on for a year. I guess depending on your physical health and well-being you need to eat healthy foods (says the girl who consumed her body weight in Chinese this evening) a) because you need your immune system to be at its peak not just to fight covid but to fight flu and colds you don’t want any of those to knock you down and be at a vulnerable place for covid to enter into the mix. B) you need to shift it up a bit! What have you always wanted to do that you haven’t ever managed to do? Mine was clear my bedroom out and basically turn it into an art art studio! Tell us some hobbies you have and enjoy.
Don’t predict Christmas no one knows what’s happening at Christmas this year we are a little way off to start planning to eat turkeys alone!
And last of all my biggest answer to take your mind of it all is NETFLIX!!!! I have binge watch way too many tv shows omg but it’s sooo good the escapism is fantastic and watch reality shows prior to covid it helps remind us that life was and will one day return to normal.
I hope this helps keep you chin up! We got you xx

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15-10-20, 07:13
How can I rid myself of these fears of dying?

I think I've said this before to you...

You lose the fear of dying by accepting that you will die one day, but that day is probably not today. Today you get to live.

Check out NDE stories from IANDS and listen to people who have actually died. Dying is nothing to fear. If it was, why do they all have to be convinced to get back in their bodies? Because it's so flipping lovely not to be weighed down with a body and all the egotistical crap that we have to lug around with us in life. Also, every NDEr comes back with the fear of death removed.

Every day that you waste fearing death and dying is another day that you're not living.

The best thing you can do re coronavirus is to NOT watch the news everyday. Work on a need to know basis, and do not saturate yourself with the gloom and doom. The news is intended to be dramatic or people wouldn't tune in. All you need to know is what the restrictions are in your area, and all you need to do is follow the guidelines to keep yourself, and others, safe.

Xmas is up the shitter for most of us. I'm resigned to the fact that I won't see my sons and grandson. So I will have to make the best of a bad situation. It's all any of us can do.

17-10-20, 01:14
The symptom of feeling hungry went away for about a week after I seen the therapist. However it's come back as the same old worry came up like "Maybe I will die of this hunger/weak feeling?" I seem to be very worried about this lately and it gets followed by the symptom then my anxiety says maybe the hunger is something worse? Like a vicious cycle. The hunger arrives when I check do I feel hungry and grouchy? Is it possible for these symptoms to magically appear?

I also worry this is going to be a pattern with my anxiety at the moment and I may have to have this symptom? I remember first noticing this symptom again about June. Why would I be getting this symptom in my anxiety?

17-10-20, 05:45
Why are you paying no attention to Nora after she took the time to help you by writing such a thoughtful reply?

17-10-20, 06:06
Why are you paying no attention to Nora

Because Phil's about symptom dumping and looking for reassurance rather than being proactive.

Sympathy has its place but it won't beat HA.

17-10-20, 07:23
Agreed, unfortunately. I think we have a lot of members here who haven't worked that out yet, though.

17-10-20, 11:30
Because Phil's about symptom dumping and looking for reassurance rather than being proactive.

Sympathy has its place but it won't beat HA.

Its been that way for over 14 years and on several forums. Take a look at the history. I would use your experience and time to help those that will actually benefit and acknowledge your words.

Positive thoughts

17-10-20, 11:46
Its been that way for over 14 years and on several forums. Take a look at the history. I would use your experience and time to help those that will actually benefit and acknowledge your words.

Positive thoughts

As much as it saddens me to give up on folk - you're right.

What's that saying? You can lead a horse to water...

That said, there is always the hope that other people may benefit from my comments even if the OP doesn't.

18-10-20, 19:10
I think I've said this before to you...

You lose the fear of dying by accepting that you will die one day, but that day is probably not today. Today you get to live.

Check out NDE stories from IANDS and listen to people who have actually died. Dying is nothing to fear. If it was, why do they all have to be convinced to get back in their bodies? Because it's so flipping lovely not to be weighed down with a body and all the egotistical crap that we have to lug around with us in life. Also, every NDEr comes back with the fear of death removed.

Every day that you waste fearing death and dying is another day that you're not living.

The best thing you can do re coronavirus is to NOT watch the news everyday. Work on a need to know basis, and do not saturate yourself with the gloom and doom. The news is intended to be dramatic or people wouldn't tune in. All you need to know is what the restrictions are in your area, and all you need to do is follow the guidelines to keep yourself, and others, safe.

Xmas is up the shitter for most of us. I'm resigned to the fact that I won't see my sons and grandson. So I will have to make the best of a bad situation. It's all any of us can do.

Yes, like it or not, Christmas 2020 most certainly be very different and scaled down compared to normal.

But possibly, on the more positive side, it might make many of us rethink and reflect in the true values of the festive season, rather than splashing out dosh many of us don't even have (and inadvertently ending up in severe debt come the New Year), having boozed-up wild parties, etc, and worst of all, for me having to suffer the constant ear torture from that blasted Slade song with Noddy H yelling 'ITTSSS CHRRISST-MAASSS!' in every shop and at every flippin' party!

Sometimes literally, less is more.

18-10-20, 19:58
I suspect that some people will just please themselves and ignore whatever the restrictions are for their tier system. Others will do as they are requested and make sacrifices. Christmas will be a good excuse to kick up a fuss/protest about the "injustice" of it all etc etc. This virus thrives on people's behaviours and there's not a lot science can do about that.

18-10-20, 21:27
NoraB does ace replies with great insight, but of course, as has been noted - Phil 'walks past' your post and makes you feel like you are invisible. Having been on his threads for quite some time (years), I learnt that its a waste of time.

19-10-20, 01:36
Thanks the replies were very helpful and I had a good read through them however I posted again as the hunger/weakness feeling hasn’t gone away which is why my anxiety keeps on going. I have been trying to work on distraction.

22-10-20, 13:43
So can my anxiety really be causing my weak hunger feelings?

23-10-20, 08:22
So can my anxiety really be causing my weak hunger feelings?

Oh go on then Phil, I'll play with ya. :winks:

In my long history of anxiety (45 years at least) I've experienced severe hunger pains minus the appetite.

I've had no appetite at all.

I've had low blood sugar symptoms twenty minutes after eating a meal.

I've had zero appetite with no physical signals of hunger. (digestive system supressed)

Your hunger pains are due to an excess of cortisol and adrenalin in your system.

Simple answer - yes - anxiety really can be causing these feelings..Best thing to do is to eat little and often and not to overtax your system with a lot of fatty food and refined carbs. Stress hits the guts directly, so it pays to show it some consideration.

I know you won't take a blind bit of notice, but it's Friday, I just a full refund on my holiday, and I'm in a good mood. :yesyes:

23-10-20, 08:27
Food for thought and plenty to digest from Nora's post, Phil..

25-10-20, 18:26
Food for thought and plenty to digest from Nora's post, Phil..

Thanks yes it is. Distraction seems to be a cure so far when my mind is busy I don’t have these worries. Sadly I am not always busy.

26-10-20, 06:59
Thanks yes it is. Distraction seems to be a cure so far when my mind is busy I don’t have these worries. Sadly I am not always busy.

It's not about distraction. It's about understanding this symptom, why it happens, and that there is nothing to fear. Distraction will only mask fear temporarily, as you've found out, because it's there with a vengeance when you're not busy. How can this be considered 'a cure' when it hoofs you up the bum when you're not distracted?:unsure:

Understand anxiety. Understand the stress response. Lose the fear.