View Full Version : Lump underarm

30-09-20, 01:30
How to get the thoughts to stop?
I noticed my lower left armpit area looked a little puffier than the right. So I went to."checking". 3 days ago. Sure enough theres a lump. I get breast cysts & I know logically it could just be one. Or a lymph node. Its round, softish, and moves. I know logically these are good signs. I just started my cycle so could be related. I'm trying to hand this concern off to my husband. Let him be in charge of monitoring it logically. That's not working though, I keep messing with the area. Its sore. I'm not helping.
Also....a good friend of mine was just diagnosed with breast cancer. I feel so selfish that I'm allowing myself to get caught up in this. She has a diagnosis & is handling it so well. Given the circumstances. And here I am, found a lump, and now spiraling. Id never say anything to her about it, I'm just trying to be supportive. 2020 has been a difficult year for HA for me. I wish God would take away my anxiety.

30-09-20, 01:38
I should also add that I was just at the ob/gyn abt 2 mos ago for a check up and a different concern. I should feel relieved that she did a breast exam and found nothing. Right? I'm 39 & had a mammogram over a year ago, and that's when they saw the cysts. Which were benign. I go for my next mammogram next year.

30-09-20, 02:49
I’ve had this for years it’s just a lymph node but you do need to get an ultra sound

30-09-20, 03:01
I was planning to give it the 2 week wait. Maybe I should go ahead and call in.

30-09-20, 03:37
You could technically wait til your next cycle to see if the lump has changed. I remember getting this a lot before my period when I was in my twenties. It was either a lymph node or extra breast tissue that would swell up close to menstruation. It would be painful though and then it would go away once my period started. This could be similar? Breast lumps should be checked though. They’re almost always nothing. I would suggest you wait until your next cycle to get it checked. Or if it’s gonna keep you freaked out then you can go to the docs for peace of mind

30-09-20, 03:48
Thanks. Tbh I dont know scares me more, the lump or the doctors office.lol I'm hoping it's just a cycle thing. I should know in about a week. Hopefully.

30-09-20, 08:36
It sounds like you're doing well with rationalising your worries, but your feelings haven't yet caught up with your thoughts.

You have my sympathy. Health anxiety is horrendous and irrational. When my grandad was poorly with cancer, that became my main fear. Do you think yours has been triggered by your friend being poorly?

Sending love xx

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30-09-20, 14:16
Oh I know it does. Normally I wouldve just thought not too much about it. Tbh I think I've felt it before. But of course my mind plays games with me.lol

30-09-20, 14:21
Aw I know, it's not easy is it. You did well by reaching out on here though. Xx

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30-09-20, 14:33
Thanks 💕
I think I'm going to try to.stop messing with it, and give it a couple days.

30-09-20, 20:41
The good news is that it seems smaller today & a lot more familiar. I've definitely had this before, so I'm pretty sure it's just cycle related.

30-09-20, 23:42
That's a good call. [emoji847] You can give yourself lumps by continually checking too. My friend had the same fear & the doctor told her she'd bruised under her skin. Hope you feel better soon [emoji3590]

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04-10-20, 22:10
Thanks again. Its smaller even now. Tbh if I hadnt been concerned before I wouldnt give it a second thought now. I have to search for it now. Its smaller than a pea in circumference and seems flat. Idk. Eitherway I am pretty sure fine :)