View Full Version : Tight feeling in roof of mouth

30-09-20, 08:10
I have several throat and mouth symptoms that are linked to anxiety including globus and reflux. I also have this extra symptom which combined with the other two, can be quite unpleasant.
It is a tight and quite painful feeling that spreads across the roof of my mouth and sometimes affects my teeth. Alongside this, whenever it happens, my globus gets worse and I feel generally bunged up, even in my ears. It's not a constant feeling, it is on and off.
I think it's probably linked to anxiety too but it's such a strange feeling. I wondered if anyone else had experienced it.

01-10-20, 11:14
Is it across your soft palate? And sometimes round the back of your tongue? I’m just trying to figure this out aswell...

01-10-20, 15:24
I get it on the hard palate but also get a swollen feeling at the same time on my soft palate and back of the tongue.

05-10-20, 11:46
I've since realised that tight probably doesn't describe this properly. It's more like cramping and pressure in the palate with regular 'contractions'.