View Full Version : The WORST I’ve ever been

30-09-20, 20:08
Hey I’m Matt and I’m 18.

My anxiety and panic are at the highest it’s ever been but it’s all for a real reason.

My legs are insanely concerning at the moment. Ever since school started, I’ve been at home most of the time and don’t have chance to work out and get the blood circulating... I work out probably twice a week.

Recently, my legs have been having these weird sensations!! Twitching, sharp muscle pains, fatigue, a bit weak. Sometimes even tingling!

Guys I am terrified, I had to call my doctor and made an appointment for tomorrow. I’m hoping for the best but am expecting bad things I’m so scared.

This is not normal for an 18 year old. I’ve googled and it’s all saying terrible things but for a real reason. It’s talking about nerve and brain issues. It’s also saying stuff about blood clots. I can’t handle this anymore

I just walked 7,000 steps and my legs feel super sore right now. I honestly do not know what to expect tomorrow at the doctors

Anyone have any insight?
Thanks 🙏

01-10-20, 01:39
Actually I think it can be very normal for someone your age. I still had growing pains at age 18 and almost always it affected my legs in the ways you’re describing. Add to that this whole pandemic where you’re not getting as much use out of them as what you would normally, i would say there’s a very good chance that there is nothing serious going on here.

01-10-20, 07:46
but it’s all for a real reason.

It always is Matt...

Guys I am terrified, I had to call my doctor and made an appointment for tomorrow. I’m hoping for the best but am expecting bad things I’m so scared.

When you've been consulting Dr Google, have you ever typed in, 'Anxiety and leg pain'?

How about you do that now?

It’s also saying stuff about blood clots. I can’t handle this anymore

I just walked 7,000 steps and my legs feel super sore right now. I honestly do not know what to expect tomorrow at the doctors

I doubt that you would be able to walk 7,000 steps with a blood clot in your leg. :unsure:

01-10-20, 08:40
Anyone have any insight?
Thanks 

Sure, stop Googling stuff. The only outcome of Googling is extra anxiety.

The chances of anything being wrong with you at 18 are practically zero.

All the sensations you experience (in this thread and others) are common with anxiety. The problem here is your reaction to benign symptoms, that's it.

When I was 18 I had chronic chest pain for about 8 months, I started to become concerned about obvious causes but luckily for me Google wasn't around then.

You just have to file this under 'shit happens' and get on with your life. The more you focus on it, the worse you'll feel.

01-10-20, 18:10
Hey Nora, Joe, and glassgirl,

To update you guys, I went into the doctors today and she said everything is fine. She looked over all my tests and told me that there is NO real problem. She even examined my arms and legs. She ordered a blood test just to check my vitamin levels and muscle enzymes which I’m a tiny bit worried about but I’m hoping for the best!

You guys are the best for helping me out through my worst times. She also recommended me to maybe try therapy and gave me some helpful relaxation tips. You guys were right I guess! I lose hahaha

02-10-20, 06:30
Hey Nora, Joe, and glassgirl,

To update you guys, I went into the doctors today and she said everything is fine. She looked over all my tests and told me that there is NO real problem. She even examined my arms and legs. She ordered a blood test just to check my vitamin levels and muscle enzymes which I’m a tiny bit worried about but I’m hoping for the best!

She's being thorough as any good GP should. Deficiencies in vitamins etc can cause all kinds of 'scary' symptoms to the anxious mind. I'll give you an example here... A few years ago, I started to bleed spontaneously in my gums, and not only when I brushed my teeth. This was bang in the middle of my breakdown, so, you can imagine the state I was in? Anyway, this 'scary' symptom turned out to be low Vit D. GP bunged me on a high dose, then a maintenance dose, and I've been fine ever since - so try not to overthink this, ok?

02-10-20, 11:51
To update you guys, I went into the doctors today and she said everything is fine. She looked over all my tests and told me that there is NO real problem. She even examined my arms and legs. She ordered a blood test just to check my vitamin levels and muscle enzymes which I’m a tiny bit worried about but I’m hoping for the best!

You guys are the best for helping me out through my worst times. She also recommended me to maybe try therapy and gave me some helpful relaxation tips. You guys were right I guess! I lose hahaha

Actually, you will win big time by following the advice ;)

Positive thoughts

02-10-20, 13:17
Honestly dude, go out and get laid. You're 18. Girls, boys, whatever you like.

You won't care after that.

02-10-20, 13:27
Honestly dude, go out and get laid. You're 18. Girls, boys, whatever you like.

You won't care after that.

Make sure you maintain social distancing at all times though......:winks:

02-10-20, 13:31
Make sure you maintain social distancing at all times though......:winks:

Oh, of course.

Ignore me, do it virtually......gah. Is that what the kids do now?

02-10-20, 15:54
Hahahahaha bro it’s funny you mention that because whenever I have a girl, I don’t get bad health anxiety. I don’t really have time to focus on it.

It only happens when I’m alone just overthinking my thoughts.

02-10-20, 15:59
Hahahahaha bro it’s funny you mention that because whenever I have a girl, I don’t get bad health anxiety. I don’t really have time to focus on it.

It only happens when I’m alone just overthinking my thoughts.


09-10-20, 15:00
Recently I’ve been having strange symptoms that have been concerning me. Muscle twitches, soreness, pains, and even headaches that come and go. All I can think of is brain disorders.

Every morning I wake up feeling like I got hit by a truck. Just sluggish and terrible. This morning I was freezing and started shivering. Every year around this time I get sick with either a flu, a cold, or even allergies. But the shivering is really worrying me since I do not have a fever.

I went to the doctor 1 week ago and she examined me and saw my blood test came back perfect. She tested my vitamin levels, my basic organs, and my muscle function. And they all came back great. I don’t get what is causing me all these symptoms.

What if it’s a brain problem? :(


09-10-20, 15:04
It's a brain problem - specifically, a brain chemistry problem. This is what anxiety is.

11-10-20, 04:55
My health anxiety has been very bad lately when it comes to overthinking about my brain. I don’t know what to do I feel helpless.

I’ve been getting headaches, muscles twitches and aches, ringing in my left ear, some sinus pressure... I’m at a loss.

I threw up this morning that’s how bad my anxiety got. I couldn’t eat anything. I’m so mad at myself for doing this to myself. My doctor literally ordered a blood exam last week which came back all clear.
I just can’t stop thinking that this is Brain problem.

I’m only 18 I really don’t know anymore.


11-10-20, 06:39
My health anxiety has been very bad lately when it comes to overthinking about my brain. I don’t know what to do I feel helpless.

I’ve been getting headaches, muscles twitches and aches, ringing in my left ear, some sinus pressure... I’m at a loss.

I threw up this morning that’s how bad my anxiety got. I couldn’t eat anything. I’m so mad at myself for doing this to myself. My doctor literally ordered a blood exam last week which came back all clear.
I just can’t stop thinking that this is Brain problem.

I’m only 18 I really don’t know anymore.


Hi Matt,

I've had all these symptoms and many more. They are unpleasant and uncomfortable - painful even - but it's all to do with the stress response which is your wonderful brain doing exactly what it should - which is banging on the fight or flight response when you tell it that there is danger. In your case, there is no actual danger - it's an anxious thought - but the brain doesn't know the difference between a thought and what's real - it will respond because that's what it is designed to do, and the more it responds, the more of these symptoms you will have and the more sensitised you will become.

Take a look at Anxiety Centre which has a comprehensive list of anxiety symptoms and an explanation for almost all of them. This really helped me when I lost the plot because each time I'd get a weird symptom, and I'd say, 'This can't be anxiety!', I would look at the list, and there it was.

The brain will respond to your negative thoughts, but it will also respond to your positive ones. If you imagine something beautiful or pick out a really happy memory - your brain will knock off the fight or flight an start releasing the feel-good chemicals, but even if you feel as if you can't do that - just go with it all. None of these things will harm you. It's just your body trying to protect you.

12-10-20, 17:58
Yeah this is all true Nora, you’re right. I’m so disappointed in myself for allowing myself to get back to this cycle.

But I’m still convinced something is wrong. I have been yawning a ton which google says can be a brain problem, same with headaches, twitching, ear ringing, vomiting when the anxiety gets too bad, and muscle aches. I’ve even lost a couple pounds because I have no appetite with anxiety.

I can’t handle this. I’ve gotten 2 blood tests this year and were both clear. I don’t get it.

12-10-20, 18:18
I don’t get it.

MattB...After two years on the site, I know you do get it. The number of all clears you've gotten from medical professionals alone indicates its not a physical issue. The real issue is what to do about it. If the advice and resources here aren't helping, then real life professional help with your mental state should be the next step.

Positive thoughts

Dexter James
13-10-20, 11:20
I was in the same position as you i got to the point where i was so convinced it was the end of my life i collapsed by the door one evening and phoned my parents and told them i would not make the week the pain i was in over my body was horrendous and i lost loads of weight i see doctor after doctor i had 2 CT scans 2 MRI SCANS 1 Pet scan see several neurologists and psycologists years and years of it until one day i said to myself i have to take control of my brain my mind my life that was 7 years ago and now i am functioning at 90% i have done things in my life over the last few years that i would never imagine i could ever do , I am 43 and had anxiety from a young age of 6 i have gained control of my life you all so can Matt you have a whole life a head of you change your thinking try to focus on things you enjoy hope that helps.

13-10-20, 15:43
Hey Fishmanpa, I love how you noticed the cycle I’ve gone through for the past 2 years. You’ve always been a great help during my lowest and I appreciate it. Lately it’s been a bit rough.

I’ll be fine throughout the whole afternoon and then I’ll feel a random symptom and suddenly my night is ruined. So strange that I get random headaches for the past 2 weeks.

However, I DO GET that anxiety is the main problem here. I’m trying to improve it everyday. Going through a minor setback recently I guess.

13-10-20, 15:45
Hey DexterJames,

I appreciate the words and it inspires me hearing that you’ve managed to change your life and take full control without letting anxiety hinder anything. I’m trying to learn this and I know it’s a gradual experience.

Dexter James
13-10-20, 15:53
Thank you ,You will get there :)

Dexter James
15-10-20, 00:59
Hi i have been back to reading some forum posts i started from around 7 years ago i was gobsmacked because i can't recognise that person any longer in fact it took me sometime to believe it was me, One of the things that stood out was the amount of symptoms i had to many to count in fact and i always remember them headaches they where horrendous but their long gone after 30+ years of suffering from anxiety, Like blue Iris said it's a brain chemistry problem you need to take one step at a time but not backwards if you feel you need to go back to your doctors go back one day you will reason with your self and things will look brighter for you :)

15-10-20, 06:41
Recently I’ve been having strange symptoms that have been concerning me. Muscle twitches, soreness, pains, and even headaches that come and go. All I can think of is brain disorders.

Every morning I wake up feeling like I got hit by a truck. Just sluggish and terrible. This morning I was freezing and started shivering. Every year around this time I get sick with either a flu, a cold, or even allergies. But the shivering is really worrying me since I do not have a fever.

I went to the doctor 1 week ago and she examined me and saw my blood test came back perfect. She tested my vitamin levels, my basic organs, and my muscle function. And they all came back great. I don’t get what is causing me all these symptoms.

What if it’s a brain problem? :(


You've basically just described me, and I don't have a brain problem like cancer or MS - which no doubt is what you are imagining for yourself. I do have a condition called Fibromyalgia though. Technically it's an issue in my brain - that's how my consultant describes it anyway. Something to do with problems with the hypothalamus and the ANS nervous system?

I can also tell you that anxiety causes these symptoms too - every symptom you've listed.

19-10-20, 04:45
Hey all,

The past month has been really bad for me in terms of anxiety. I have been hyperfocusing a lot about my head. Any sensation I feel whether it’s: pain, pressure, temperature... makes me freak out internally. My main fear is Brain Tumor.

I’ve always had muscle twitches and went to the doctor for them 2 weeks ago. She did a blood test and everything came back fine. Ever since then, I feel like something was incomplete. I know I might be fine but I still think “what if I still have it?”.

Recently, I sometimes wake up with weird head sensations. I always get sick around this time of the year so I’m guessing it could be sinus allergy headaches but I’m not sure.

Most of my days go by with me being happy and enjoying the fun stuff I like to do. Then around evening time, I will get a weird sensation and then BOOM here come all the other sensations (headaches, pressure and all that)

It’s been a cycle for weeks now and I’m PRETTY sure headaches for weeks is not good. I know I can overcome this because I have overcome all my previous fears about my heart. But this one feels strange :/


19-10-20, 04:56
Sounds like maybe sinus pressure. Have you tried taking anything like sudafed?

19-10-20, 12:27

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