View Full Version : Daily bad head

27-10-07, 10:38
I was wondering if any1 knows or can help about this,
most days I get a weird kind of headache, feels alot of pressure built up or like brain swelling up or something, thats really the best way I can describe it
puts me in a bad mood and when i'm angry it seems 2 get worse,I dunno....
I try as much as possible 2 keep things tranquil ,drink lots of water eat fruit and things (keeping healthy) cut down smoking and caffeine, don't drink much anymore, few beers a week thats it.
Sounds odd but sleep has a lot to do with it???, late night and or a lyin especially are the worst things I can do, the hole day is written off,very self conscious /tired /yeah moody, (feels very unnatural)
this has been going on 4 about 7-8 years,"some" days are ok and I feel great but seems like a hell of a lot of time with this,
I know I should see my GP about it and i'm going to soon but i'd like to know more about it if possible plz
1 thing I blame is cannabis abuse, I think it's done something but I just can't even think about what it is ,ofc it's my own fault I know that,not after any sympathy just info :)

I gave it up about 6 years ago
thanx in advance

Sarah Lou
27-10-07, 22:06

I can sympathise as I suffer with headaches and they are mostly caused by my own tension. I get pressure on the top of my head like someone/thing is pressing down on me and I get severe pain at the back of my head rising from my neck up to my crown. 18 months ago I took myself off to see a physiotherapist and was told that the tension in my back and shoulders was so so severe and had gone untreated for so long, that the muscles in my head had been affected, causing terrific headaches and pains! I was surprised that the tension in my back could cause this but the physio explained how the body reacts to stress and tension and how the muscles are all interlinked, and it made a massive difference to me. As well as treating me she taught me how to be more aware of my tension ie. are my shoulders up around my ears? am I permanently frowning or tensing my scalp? Sounds funny I know, but you'll be surprised how often we do these things and are not even aware of them - I must check myself 20 times a day and I still find my shoulders around my ears everytime! At least by reminding myself to check, I can physically relax my body, even if it is only for a short while.
Hope this helps and I hope you feel better soon.

Sarah Lou :)

27-10-07, 23:09
Hi CCX :hugs:

I am no expert hun, but what I do know is, it is important for you to see the gp for a proper diagoises. It is sooo true what Sarah says, anxiety CAN and does cause headach and her advice is great:yesyes: but I feel for your own peace of mind, you need to chat to your gp. When we know what we are dealing with, eg, Panic, Anxiety, emontional illness ( don't like word mental health illness) the battle beingin's, BUT, we know what we are dealing with, so we can focus on how to get better and what help and support is out there.

It does not sound odd, that sleep may have alot to do with it, not at all hun, do you sleep to much or do you find it hard to sleep? this too can be an anxiety, stress symotom. I myself, even before my pa's anxiety, always slept far to much, this in itself was a problem for me, tired all the time, even though I had alot of sleep, ohhh boy, I know now, defo an anxiety symptom,for me, I am fine now, still may get really tired from time to time, but it is very few and far between, it is very inportand to find the right balance to give your sleep patten a good routine. This takes alot of hard work and time.

Ohh hun, as for the canabis, please don't be to hard on yourself, whats passed is passed, we all have things in our passed that we regret, me included, we CANNOT change the past. When we do things wrong, what is most important is that we learn form it and I know you have, BUT, you must move on, focus your energies on getting yourself diognosed and getting yourself better.

I know you say its been going on for a long time, anxietys can last that long if you are NOT working on getting better.

So hun, please take that step, you have already made a good step by coming here, this site is a great place to be, :yesyes: there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you, but you must make the step to go to your GP, your gp will give you other steps to take. When we make these steps, these are little tiny steps towards recovery.

You take care hun :hugs: Please keep posting, keep reading, read all you can about Anxiety AND all its symptoms this helps.


fretty freda
27-10-07, 23:23
you should see your gp to check things over , but my opinion it has nothing to do with the cannibis i used to think that cannibis had effected my brain i only smoked it a few times years ago , its sound more like the anxiety i am no doctor but like you i get a funny feeling in my head , i feel blurry everyday about 11.00 it is worse when i have a lye in it passes on its own too everyday but while its there i hate it

sorry its only brief but hope i help xxx

28-10-07, 14:40
wow thanx for the friendly and helpfull replies
i've not heard it from those views b4,makes alot of sense.
i'm glad theres pl who can relate so well,
maybe stress is a big cause leading to tension perhaps ,sometimes i do oversleep and that does cause problems,
thanx again