View Full Version : Cold triggering anxiety

04-10-20, 12:36
(Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it feels the most fitting)

I haven't been on this forum for a long while, mostly due to my anxiety having calmed down a lot from when I first started experiencing symptoms and generally being able to cope better now, but I was thinking, does anyone else have this weird thing where the cold/being/feeling cold causes their anxiety/anxiety symptoms to trigger?

I don't know why, since it isn't really linked to any of my known triggers, but when I feel cold I often get anxiety and/or anxiety symptoms, usually heart palps and/or upset stomach, or more rarely what I assume is an adrenaline rush.

I'm mostly curious if anyone else has a similar issues?

04-10-20, 14:22
I'm sure other people are triggered by the cold, but ultimately it doesn't matter. Anxiety can be triggered by anything (it's an irrational reaction to a rational problem for the most part) so don't read too deeply into it.

My guess is that it's just the body going on 'alert' and triggering the tremble reaction. Your brain has recognised that as a mild stress, and is reacting with anxiety.