View Full Version : Lung pain?

05-10-20, 07:47
Hi I’m 33 female. Never smoked, rarely drink. for last couple of weeks I’ve had an ache under my right breast when I cough, Not all the time when I cough just sometimes and sometimes when I shout or stretch. I also can feel it in my back I think! I do suffer with shoulder blade pain and have for years I put it down to over using it as I used to work at a desk. I went to the doctors and they listened to my chest and said can’t hear anything he thinks It’s just from nasal congestion and it’s inflamed. I’m such a worrier and wondering when it should go if it’s a inflamed lung? Any help and advice would be great!

05-10-20, 08:56
Hi I’m 33 female. Never smoked, rarely drink. for last couple of weeks I’ve had an ache under my right breast when I cough, Not all the time when I cough just sometimes and sometimes when I shout or stretch. I also can feel it in my back I think! I do suffer with shoulder blade pain and have for years I put it down to over using it as I used to work at a desk. I went to the doctors and they listened to my chest and said can’t hear anything he thinks It’s just from nasal congestion and it’s inflamed. I’m such a worrier and wondering when it should go if it’s a inflamed lung? Any help and advice would be great!

Let me guess, you're thinking lung cancer? Something nasty that will end your life? :scared11:

It's October in the UK. Cold and flu season, so this is the most likely cause for your pain.

Or it's muscular.

What is with people getting pain with they shout?

*whispers* don't shout then. :unsure:

It will go in it's own time - maybe a little quicker if you stop filling your head with irrational thoughts. This isn't helpful because you're firing out the stress hormones every time you have the scary (and irrational) thoughts which in turn supresses the immune system, so it will take longer for your body to sort this lil issue out...