View Full Version : Self help

05-10-20, 20:16
Hi, just wondering if anyone has read any books about overcoming health anxiety and if they helped, recommendations welcome thanks xx

05-10-20, 20:46

Although not directly geared towards HA, The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris, was an absolute game changer for me. My therapist worked through ACT therapy with me (like CBT but with some changes) and Russ Harris is the "father" of ACT. It will teach you how to separate yourself from your thoughts, be comforatble with all of your feelings, emotions and worries, and connect with your core values. I love how it also provided practices and time to practice. Several times throughout the book he instructs the reader to put the book down for a week or two and practice the things he's teaching.

Best Wishes

05-10-20, 21:04
I have actually heard of that book and heard good things so I may give it a go thank you so much 😊

06-10-20, 07:11
Claire Weekes.

The Anxiety Guy podcast or the F**k Coping Start Healing book

Anxiety Slayer podcast

All not exclusively health anxiety but there's HA in there and Anxiety Guy ( Dennis Simsek) had health anxiety so he talks a lot about it.

06-10-20, 08:21
Thank you