View Full Version : I think I'm in the middle of a panic attack...

06-10-20, 17:41
I'm new here and I apologise in advance if this sounds a little too silly and muddled, but I've never been officially diagnosed with anxiety even after so long. So I'm not entirely sure where to start as I feel like my mind is going a million miles an hour, but today every issue I was worried about happened and as I was trying to collect my thoughts to solve them, my heart began racing and I could no longer hold back the tears. I've always worried about unnecessarily things and fearful of some really stupid things, however today was different.

Being in the UK and over 30, are there any tips or advice anyone could give me, even a friendly word might suffice.

Thank you in advance.

06-10-20, 20:40

It certainly sounds anxiety and panic related..

I think your first stop would be to visit your GP and be honest with them about how you are feeling and what is going on with you. They may suggest things to you like being refered to CBT or other things.

Welcome to NMP, we are a friendly bunch and sometimes a new thread may get missed and pushed down the active topics list as sometimes it moves quite quickly.... feel free to bump your post up if this happens and it will move back to the top of the active topics.

Good luck :)

06-10-20, 20:53
I'm new here and I apologise in advance if this sounds a little too silly and muddled, but I've never been officially diagnosed with anxiety even after so long. So I'm not entirely sure where to start as I feel like my mind is going a million miles an hour, but today every issue I was worried about happened and as I was trying to collect my thoughts to solve them, my heart began racing and I could no longer hold back the tears. I've always worried about unnecessarily things and fearful of some really stupid things, however today was different.

Being in the UK and over 30, are there any tips or advice anyone could give me, even a friendly word might suffice.

Thank you in advance.

I'm sure we can all very much relate to these feelings, Mr London and what you are describing certainly doesn't sound silly or muddled.

I agree with Venus and it may be a good idea to talk to your GP or even refer yourself for some CBT for help managing anxiety and panic. It's horrible feeling out of control but sometimes letting out the tears can be therapeutic as there are no prizes for holding it all in whether you're male or female. You're human and not a robot and you're allowed to break down..I'm fearful of what anyone else would consider "stupid" things but they are significant to me and that's all that matters.

There's loads of really insightful info on here-We're all in the same boat and we'd like to help you if we can..

07-10-20, 19:45
Thanks to the both of you... it does feel comforting that I'm not the only one that feels like this, plus getting an outside perspective can be more useful than trying to figure it out yourself. From what I've seen so far from this site, it's full of really awesome people that support each other. What I was referring to when I said "stupid things" is that as a child I would frequently travel abroad, go on theme park rides etc. but now I have a really strong phobia of heights and flying, among other things, when as a child and teenager I couldn't be more excited over travelling etc. Not sure if anyone else has experienced anything similar... however I will be booking an appointment with my GP, as I have eczema on my hands so I will mention the anxiety to him. Thanks again for being so understanding.