View Full Version : Odd pain/ache on right side of neck when I cough

07-10-20, 12:13
Has anyone had anything like this or know what it can be? It started a week ago. It doesn't really hurt other than when I cough, I feel pressure/pain on the right side of neck.

I haven't been out of the house in ages so it can't be any cold, flu, covid or anything viral. I'm not on any medications and my husband felt around my throat and neck for a few days and nothing seems to be swollen. He thinks it's probably a strained neck muscle, or pinched nerve but obviously I think much more sinister things like some kind of tumor etc. The only thing I remember before last Wednesday when I noticed it, is that I'd sneezed hard a few times, and had a stuffy head/face. But I don't think sneezing can create an issue since I've sneezed many times before and this has never happened.

Can anyone please advise if they had this, I have to study but can't take my mind off this anxiety.