View Full Version : does anyone else get scared of feeling hot?

07-10-20, 16:08
I'm terrified of this, and must be near a fan or a window at all times to make sure that if I feel I need to feel cool, I can turn on the fan/ open a window.

this is because I am afraid of catching a fever, and that leading to something else- I dread summer time, especially when it's hot (am I hot because of the weather, or hot because I'm ill kind of thing)

I own 3 fans (1 giant one and 2 handheld ones), and I have 4 windows in my room

does anyone experience this fear

08-10-20, 00:52
I sure do.
I hate summer here in Central QLD.
The humidity is the worst for me.

08-10-20, 05:16
I have FMS and mine is worse in heat and cold. Five minutes pegging my washing out when it's hot gives me migraines and heatstroke like symptoms.

Plus, humidity plays holy hell with my hair! :scared15:

I'm not terrified of feeling hot - just annoyed.

Fear triggers the sympathetic nervous response (fight or flight) which ups body temperature and makes us sweat, and to the HA mind, that means illness and disease rather than the normal stress response..

Would be interesting to know what the catalyst was for this fear of yours....

08-10-20, 05:31
Humidity here gets to 80%+.

08-10-20, 21:48
hey phil,

thanks for the reply

what (if anything) have you found that helps you?

08-10-20, 22:06
I get the hot feeling and the shivery feeling.
I was told that we shouldn't react to it and let it pass.
Easier said than done hey. I can just about do it with the hot feeling, but the shivering is not so easy.
I've also had 97% humidity the last couple of weeks and that also plays havoc with my hair. Wearing hat helps to keep from flying into oblivion.

08-10-20, 22:31
With me I feel that I’m going to faint when I start getting hot. I hate the feeling that I’m overheating.

09-10-20, 05:26
Hi Emily
Apart from a dip in the pool nothing else seems to work for me.

09-10-20, 07:38
With me I feel that I’m going to faint when I start getting hot. I hate the feeling that I’m overheating.

had that feeling, kelly.

it's horrible


09-10-20, 12:37
Me too!

09-10-20, 19:09
I understand the feeling of getting panicky in the heat. Have had it myself in the past. Possibly because you associate it with having a fever and being ill, which is a bit scary. Anxiety can make your temperature rise, so it’s possibly a bit of a vicious circle. Other than of course staying cool from a temperature point of view (cooling fans, cool water etc) I think that it’s unfortunately a mind over matter thing (not overly helpful I know) and when you find yourself worrying about it, try to switch your attention to something else (reading a book that interests you, watching a film/TV show, call a friend and have a catch up, any hobby you have- basically anything you like doing). The calmer your mind, the less you’ll focus on the heat issue-I think it’s a lot to do with distraction. Hope you can find a technique that works for you, but certainly understand your concern around this issue, as have definitely experienced it myself too in the past.