View Full Version : Hair loss and anxiety

08-10-20, 20:04
Hi all I have started to loose my hair in mighty handfuls. I feel a bit of a cheat as I have ever so thick long blond hair it looks similar to a normal thickness now except my ponytail is now half the thickness than it was and it started 48 hours hours ago. It’s defiantly set my anxiety off no end I’m having physical panic symptoms I’m not having catastrophic thoughts I mean if I go bald I go bald dah! Can’t do anything about it and I’m sure it will grow back. But whilst I wait for it to either all fall out or for it to stop falling I just wondered if anyone else had this alongside anxiety and stress before?

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08-10-20, 20:51
I was loosing handfuls of hair myself, it was so bad sent me into panic, l had bloods test done l was deficient in vit d doctors said this was contributing to my hair lost along with servere anxiety, he gave me some vit d tablets and l have to say l have noticed a big difference, my hair isn't coming out as bad and l have new hair growth,

Might be worth a blood test to check everything try not to overthink it as it will make it worse stress has a lot to answer for hope you get sorted out take care xx

08-10-20, 22:42
I've had it too Phoenixess.

Don't worry, it comes back.
With your stressful year Phoenixess, it's not surprising, but try not to worry, the body is incredible at rejuvenating. x

08-10-20, 23:14
Thanks guys. It’s a funny one isn’t it because it’s not a catastrophic thought it’s physically presenting itself if that makes sense. It’s definitely been a year from hell for me! The three and a half stone lighter proves it. My vit d levels are ok I did one of those home self checks this week. Alopecia runs in my family and my mum had a look and found a 20p sized bald patch at the back of my crown towards the nape of my neck. I think my diet is lacking somewhat. So it could be one of many factors but thanks for sharing nice to know I’m not alone got gp tomorrow but I’m scared she won’t believe me

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09-10-20, 08:00
Hi all I have started to loose my hair in mighty handfuls. I feel a bit of a cheat as I have ever so thick long blond hair it looks similar to a normal thickness now except my ponytail is now half the thickness than it was and it started 48 hours hours ago. It’s defiantly set my anxiety off no end I’m having physical panic symptoms I’m not having catastrophic thoughts I mean if I go bald I go bald dah! Can’t do anything about it and I’m sure it will grow back. But whilst I wait for it to either all fall out or for it to stop falling I just wondered if anyone else had this alongside anxiety and stress before?

I'm shedding like the clappers at the moment...

We naturally have cycles of shedding more hair than usual, it might be the case that this is what is happening and because you have anxiety, you are overthinking it?

But stress can make you lose hair, yes.

To put it into perspective - we normally lose between 50 and 100 strands a day and when you have long hair (like moi) it looks like there are more hairs than there actually are.

Don't worry about it cocker..

10-10-20, 14:16
Hi, yes I went through this last year -not very nice but one of those unfortunate anxiety induced things! Mine shed more slowly over about 3 months but then it calmed down thankfully! (thankfully I'd just got a lot of length chopped off just before it happened so was less obvious!)

10-10-20, 17:36
Hi, yes I went through this last year -not very nice but one of those unfortunate anxiety induced things! Mine shed more slowly over about 3 months but then it calmed down thankfully! (thankfully I'd just got a lot of length chopped off just before it happened so was less obvious!)

Yes i’m also shedding what i think is far more than normal at the moment, don’t know if its the time of year combined with many stressful worrisome months, hey ho something else to worry about. I’m going to go back to taking Perfectil which has always worked for me previously.

10-10-20, 21:27
I saw my GP and have been keeping the hair loss in plastic bags with dates on. She saw the bags and has ordered blood tests. She reassured me. Our friend is a world leading tricologist from London and he phoned my mum about it (as alopecia runs in my family it’s not a huge shock to me I’ve always been prepared that it might happen to me however I just wondered how others found it and copes with it) he advised as it’s coming out in handfuls in the wash it’s the best way for it to fall as it indicates stress and it may get worse but he said it will all grow back.
I’ve been buys scrunchies and a leopard print turban to wear at night. I’m feeling ok about it and if not it’s an excuse to eat more chocolate cake and ice cream for the time being.

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