View Full Version : double vision oh no

miss motown
27-10-07, 19:35
oh no im back posting againe i only posted yesterday with the pains ive been getting in my chest and today i still have them but to add to it my daughtor came in and as i looked up at her i could see like an outline around her not exatly double vision but like a shadow around her i asked her to hold her hand up and yes that was the same its still with me now im still getting chest pain and dizziness im sure this is more than anxiety well im going to make an appointment monday i carnt go on with this im to frightened to go over the door just incase HEART ATTACK :wacko:

27-10-07, 19:52
Hello Miss Mowtown,:hugs:

I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I use to have the vision problem. I only noticed it if I was very stressed or anxious about things. It did correct it's self once I would calm down.

Hope you feel better real soon.

Take Care Believe

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

27-10-07, 19:57
I'm sure ths is just down to anxiety, but best to get it checked out anyway. Do you wear glasses if so do they need renewing, or have you been straining your eyes on the computer. you are not going to have a heart attack I'm sure, I know this sends us into a panic but try to think positive and relax.Hope you get on fine at the docs.