View Full Version : Persistent lower back pain

12-10-20, 13:58
Hi everyone,

So I do suffer from chronic muscoskeletal pain and my lower back seems to be especially vulnerable... I am hypermobile (score 9/9 on Beighton test), which I know can contribute to joint and muscle pain, and quite thin, so I don't have much 'padding' when sitting or lying on hard surfaces.

Anyway, my lower back pain usually gets better when I'm lying down, especially in child's pose or full wind pose (yoga). But this time nothing seems to bring relief, not standing, walking or lying down, and the pain is much worse than usual. When I got up to pee last night it was still there and I've heard that severe pain that persists during the night and isn't relieved by lying down is a red flag. I am not in full panic mode (yet!), but I really could use some reassurance... :unsure:

I am 29 years old and female. I don't smoke or drink anymore and haven't since I was 21. I had CBC back in March, all normal except slight iron deficiency.

13-10-20, 08:03
Hi everyone,

So I do suffer from chronic muscoskeletal pain and my lower back seems to be especially vulnerable... I am hypermobile (score 9/9 on Beighton test), which I know can contribute to joint and muscle pain, and quite thin, so I don't have much 'padding' when sitting or lying on hard surfaces.

Anyway, my lower back pain usually gets better when I'm lying down, especially in child's pose or full wind pose (yoga). But this time nothing seems to bring relief, not standing, walking or lying down, and the pain is much worse than usual. When I got up to pee last night it was still there and I've heard that severe pain that persists during the night and isn't relieved by lying down is a red flag. I am not in full panic mode (yet!), but I really could use some reassurance... :unsure:

I am 29 years old and female. I don't smoke or drink anymore and haven't since I was 21. I had CBC back in March, all normal except slight iron deficiency.

Lots of causes for lower back pain, the most likely culprits are the most boring - like if you spend a lot of time sitting hunched over a computer or phone. Or if you've lifted something heavy. Or you've pulled a muscle sneezing or coughing. Like me, you have no padding so you're going to get more issues like this..

Bang a heat pad on it and give it a few days. This is what I do. I also take some painkillers so I'm less likely to tense with the pain. Obviously, if the pain starts to seriously ramp up - then get thee to a physician.

Have a think over what you've been doing leading up to having the back pain. I find that to be very helpful....

13-10-20, 20:06
When I have lower back pain it means I have a Urine Infection. I work in healthcare so can test my wee and always come back with high white blood cells and blood, so I have to drink lots of water to flsuh it out and get antibiotics from gp. X

14-10-20, 19:39
Hi everyone,

So I do suffer from chronic muscoskeletal pain and my lower back seems to be especially vulnerable... I am hypermobile (score 9/9 on Beighton test), which I know can contribute to joint and muscle pain, and quite thin, so I don't have much 'padding' when sitting or lying on hard surfaces.

Anyway, my lower back pain usually gets better when I'm lying down, especially in child's pose or full wind pose (yoga). But this time nothing seems to bring relief, not standing, walking or lying down, and the pain is much worse than usual. When I got up to pee last night it was still there and I've heard that severe pain that persists during the night and isn't relieved by lying down is a red flag. I am not in full panic mode (yet!), but I really could use some reassurance... :unsure:

I am 29 years old and female. I don't smoke or drink anymore and haven't since I was 21. I had CBC back in March, all normal except slight iron deficiency.

Everything I've ever heard or read says that pain that you get only when you're laying down (and is relieved by getting up) is the back pain that might need to be further investigated. Lower back pain, especially on it's own, is rarely anything to be concerned about...plus, you're almost 30, so...