View Full Version : Finally seeing a doctor

12-10-20, 19:00
I finally booked an appointment with a doctor for next Monday the 19th. Its just for a physical but I plan on talking with her about my symptoms to see what she thinks. I haven't seen a doctor since I was 17 (13 years ago) and am absolutely terrified they're going to find some serious stuff going on. I have issues with chest pain and palpitations and dizziness as well as muscle fatigue and shortness of breath. Everything points to heart issues for me and I'm worried my fears will be confirmed next week.

13-10-20, 07:26
Everything points to heart issues for me and I'm worried my fears will be confirmed next week.

Everything also points to anxiety issues. Your fears will most likely come to nothing next week - or after how many tests it will take to convince you that there is nothing wrong with your heart.

That said, seeing your GP with chest pain symptoms (if they are new for you) is simply common sense.

In the meantime, instead of Googling heart disease and heart attacks etc - research anxiety and heart symptoms.

13-10-20, 16:28
I have done research on both and while anxiety clearly makes sense my brain goes "what if" and suddenly it can only be worse case scenario. I have actually stopped googling but the damage is done lol. I truly am hoping that the doctor tells me its all anxiety and I can believe her and start on a road to recovery.

14-10-20, 15:11
I have done research on both and while anxiety clearly makes sense my brain goes "what if" and suddenly it can only be worse case scenario. I have actually stopped googling but the damage is done lol. I truly am hoping that the doctor tells me its all anxiety and I can believe her and start on a road to recovery.

What ifs are always worse case scenario, but they very rarely come true..

14-10-20, 16:38
I finally booked an appointment with a doctor for next Monday the 19th. Its just for a physical but I plan on talking with her about my symptoms to see what she thinks. I haven't seen a doctor since I was 17 (13 years ago) and am absolutely terrified they're going to find some serious stuff going on. I have issues with chest pain and palpitations and dizziness as well as muscle fatigue and shortness of breath. Everything points to heart issues for me and I'm worried my fears will be confirmed next week.

I'm not saying you should run to the doctor every time you feel sick or and odd sensation that we all get from time-to-time...but you should probably see your doctor at least once a year for a check-up. That being said, I've had similar issues in the past and it was totally anxiety/stress related. Do your issues go away whenever you get preoccupied with something else?

15-10-20, 04:24
I'm not saying you should run to the doctor every time you feel sick or and odd sensation that we all get from time-to-time...but you should probably see your doctor at least once a year for a check-up. That being said, I've had similar issues in the past and it was totally anxiety/stress related. Do your issues go away whenever you get preoccupied with something else?

Usually when I'm not thinking about it I don't notice it but there have a been a few times I have been totally calm and felt something out of the blue. I have been putting off going to the doctor for a long time partially because I'm scared and partially because I just hate the doctor.

19-10-20, 17:35
Saw the doctor today. Vitals we good and I had a clean ekg. She told me because it came back fine I don't need to worry about anything concerning my heart. Waiting on results from my labs so im still a little anxious about thag but the ekg makes me feel a lot better. Thanks for the support everyone.

20-10-20, 06:45
Saw the doctor today. Vitals we good and I had a clean ekg. She told me because it came back fine I don't need to worry about anything concerning my heart. Waiting on results from my labs so im still a little anxious about thag but the ekg makes me feel a lot better. Thanks for the support everyone.

Good to hear. (but I'm not surprised)

Learn from this experience, and next time remember how none of those HA fears re your heart came true.