View Full Version : Health anxiety kicking my a$#

13-10-20, 09:59
I seem to be spiralling so badly the last few days . My health anxiety is so so bad mainly over my acid reflux issues.

I have started cbt therapy last Friday and trying to work through everything but just cant seem to lift this dark cloud.

I'm so exhausted xx

13-10-20, 10:13
I seem to be spiralling so badly the last few days . My health anxiety is so so bad mainly over my acid reflux issues.

I have started cbt therapy last Friday and trying to work through everything but just cant seem to lift this dark cloud.

I'm so exhausted xx

Come on then, hit me with whatever it is you think you're dying of? Some kind of cancer, right? (you've Googled, obvs)

Logically speaking, acid reflux is common with anxious people, along with shite diets and lack of exercise etc

The more you freak out, the worse the symptoms will be, and the more convinced you will become that this HAS to be something terminal!

Do something nice. Watch some comedy. Go for a walk. Break this cycle, even if it's for half an hour.

Good luck with the CBT, and give it time.

13-10-20, 10:26
Thanks Nora.

One thing I don't do is Google.

I'm just sick of the fear these symptoms are relentless and yes its a vicious circle .


13-10-20, 14:13
Molly, I can see how you would have been triggered by certain responses on your other thread.

You've got a long history of HA and fear of and response to symptoms will be top of the list of things which CBT will address. I know you think you need more tests but your GP wouldn't deny you them if they were clinically needed. Do you think you will develop Barrett's if the reflux goes unchecked and if so have you spoken to your GP about this?

Dexter James
13-10-20, 14:52
just cant seem to lift this dark cloud.

I'm so exhausted xx

That cloud will lift I have had health anxiety for years now and i feel a lot more normal now thats what we search for and you can do it :) the normal day to day feelings will return once you train your brain again to think diffrently you can do it :) I thought my life would never change and lived every day thinking i was going to die but now i do more things with my family and speak to more people and go to more places than i ever have in my entire life, Acid reflux issues are awfull it took me time to get over that symptom i had but i did it you can all so do the same , The worrie will drain your energy thats normal , Good luck with your cbt , you can get through this :)

13-10-20, 16:07
Hi Dexter James

Thank you for your reply .

Its good to hear that you feel you have recovered and enjoying life again thsts exactly where I want to be .And its reassuring to know that you also had reflux through anxiety its a really horrible symptom to cope with.

You have done amazing by the sounds of it and one day that will be me too.

Hi Pulisa

Yes ive spoken with my doctor regarding those fears she said it would take years and years to develop barrats and there would be other factors like smoking etc.


Dexter James
13-10-20, 16:14
Hi Dexter James

You have done amazing by the sounds of it and one day that will be me too.


Thanks I never thought i would get out of the downward spiral but you can It will be you one day for sure just keep positive i have joined back to the forum to hopefully show some supports to others :)

13-10-20, 16:20
Dexter James

Well its great you are back helping others im sure your input will be very much appreciated by those stuck in this nightmare. Xx

Dexter James
13-10-20, 17:30
Dexter James

Well its great you are back helping others im sure your input will be very much appreciated by those stuck in this nightmare. Xx

13-10-20, 20:03
Big hugs. My HA has flared up too. I'm getting symptoms of being short of breath, IBS (tmi but diarrhoea and nausea), indigestion and no appetite. Last time I was this bad was 5 years ago when I had a biosy to check for melanoma which thankfully turned out to be benign. I hope the CBT helps you somewhat. It's so hard dealing with this day in and day out xx

13-10-20, 21:39
Hi anxiety sufferer

Its no fun thats for sure .

I really hope you get over this latest flair up .

Health anxiety is torture.

Yes im hoping the cbt helps.

Thanks xx

13-10-20, 22:47
Hi Molly

I’m so sorry you are feeling like this , my health anxiety is taking it’s toll on me too these days it’s absolutely awful!

I’m miserable with fear and trying to stay positive in this climate is a challenge on its own .

I hope you feel better soon , I love how you say you don’t google that’s definitely one step in the right direction!

14-10-20, 07:43
Thanks Nora.

One thing I don't do is Google.

I'm just sick of the fear these symptoms are relentless and yes its a vicious circle .


I don't know anybody with HA who hasn't Googled or got busy with a medical encyclopaedia at some point. But, ok.

How have you come to believe that a very common condition is something more?

Maybe try saying whatever it is you fear as many times as it takes for you not to react with fear? Kind of exposure type therapy. And in my opinion, all fears must be faced in order to gain control in any lasting way.

I am in control of my HA. It took a LOT of hard work on my part, but I got there. I'm off for blood tests today and an abdominal scan. I'm not freaking out. Far from it. I even had a good night's sleep. That's how NOT freaking I am. This, from someone who had a nervous breakdown due to HA. So there's hope for you!

Those clouds? I get them. Days where I just feel that life is shit, and always will be shit, because I have a chronic condition which gives me LOTS of symptoms which limit what I can do in life. But the clouds always blow over, and yours will too.

If this helps you in any way, my ex husband had acid reflux when I met him - he was 26 then and he'd had it for years - he's almost 60 and his fear of it leading to something nasty has never come to be true.

What you really need is to work on your HA as much as possible, and accept that you need to do this no matter how crap you feel.

All the best.

14-10-20, 08:36
Hi Murphy94

I'm so sorry you are going through this too. All I know is we can get through it and come out the other end . So many people on here have got better so we can too for sure. Xx

Hi Nora

I'm a community healthcare worker with NHS so I don't need to Google but sometimes knowledge is sometimes not a good thing.

I hope your scan goes well today and I feel so much hope knowing how far you have come especially when as you say you were at breakdown stage.

And thanks for sharing your husbands experience that does help a some what.

My fears just unfortunately have got out of control but I will get there eventually xx