View Full Version : One of my symptoms that I can't find here ....

27-10-07, 19:56
I have read through quite a lot of the "symptoms" threads without finding one that affects me (I am assuming it is just anxiety related!) When I get into bed at night and lay down in any position, I start to feel a tremor, located on my left side of my breast bone. I can only liken it to the feeling you get if your washing machine is spinning and you rest your hand on the work top. It's not visible and if I try to touch my skin to feel it, I can't feel anything externally. It doesn't hurt.

At first it used to be present for a few minutes, but as time has gone on, it's still there in the morning when I wake (sometimes having been awake off and on all night). Once up and about, I can't feel it usually. However I also have a tremor around my neck and chin on the left side, not all the time but now and then. I suppose they are related to each, but are they related to anxiety or could it be something else?

It's funny isn't it, I count myself as a normal rational person, I still can't quite believe that I have had panic attacks (only one bad one thank goodness) but lots of classic symptoms, as one goes away, another seems to start up. I guess that's the same for lots of you as well, you have my sympathy lol.

kate H
30-10-07, 15:10
Hi Susie,

I cant say i have had this feeling but i guess it could be anxiety related? Does it feel muscular? Could it be a trapped nerve and when u lie down it catches it?? Not sure on this one really sorry i cant be more help xx

31-10-07, 11:54
Hi Susie,

I think I can relate to what you have described. I have tremors like you describe in different areas of my body, not really in my breastbone but my in my arm near my elbow and also in my legs and it is usually just after I get into bed at night which makes me think it is probably anxiety related and it is probably our muscles that have been tense during the day relaxing maybe.

Try not to worry, I know when I get really worried about my symptoms I focus on them too much so notice every twinge but if I try hard to distract myself I can forget about them and they usually go.

Hope it feels better for you soon!! x

31-10-07, 15:59
Thanks for your kind thoughts :). What puzzles me is how I can wake with it too! Had a rubbish night last night, didn't sleep well for the second night in a row, really shaking and in panic mode but strangely wasn't frightened at all just annoyed that I couldn't get to sleep. Just lay there for ages until I dozed off then woke making grunting noises lol. Sigh, it's a real imposition this anxiety stuff.

08-11-07, 21:53
I think the great thing about this type of forum is that you can actually relate to other people. my partner has been brilliant about whats happening to me and im very lucky however its not quite the same as talking to people who are experiencing this first hand. Yes as you say you conquor one symptom and another jumps up and gets you down!

The tremors you have are anxiety as far as im aware i have them at different times but usually in the evening or at bed time.

Hope this puts your mind at rest that someone else has this going on

12-11-07, 03:06
Funny you should mention this now..Where were you a year ago..:-) Really

Nothing to worry about..I had what I called a buzzing under my right breast or chest area for almost a year..To this day I still get it occassionally.Muscle spasms.. really nothing to dispair about. I also get trembling in my lips, my head, my ears, my legs , my arms and all over my body.. It usually is when im extremely tired.

Its your bodies way of saying.."what a work out" or perhaps you are stressed..and don't even know it..I promise...Its really nothing. I really don't suffer with anxiety anymore and still have it.I ignore it and it usually goes away within a short time or at the very longest a day or so..

Its just one of many natural odd things that happens anywhere on the body at will but I can assure you this IT WILL GO AWAY.. good luck take care

14-11-07, 12:16
Thanks for that, it's reassuring to know I'm not the only one lol. I still experience it, though not as much thank goodness. I wish there was a way to find out what the stress is all about, I am not a worrier, don't have any phobias etc. Having downsized the trembling, I now have a racing heart at night (funny most of this takes place the moment I get into bed and lie down!)

I have had 2 sessions of hypnotherapy but I'm not sure they have helped. I am thinking of reflexology next.

I will keep you posted :o)