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View Full Version : Feeling really run down

13-10-20, 20:09
Hello, the past while I’ve been feeling really not well, I have been feeling out of breath more often, I’m usually quite fit. However, I do suffer from anxiety and sometimes I feel like I don’t get enough air, I went to the doctors years ago with this and has test done, all fine. But this feels different, I’m worried it’s my heart.

I also have been suffering from itchy eyes and skin, constant runny nose and tired all the time, and constant bloating. I just feel like utter crap all the time.

I’ve been working night shift since March and not sure if this is contributing to my symptoms but even when I get loads of rest it doesn’t seem to make me feel better! Worried there is something wrong with me.

13-10-20, 20:37
Hi Louise,

Sorry you’re feeling rubbish.

If it’s any consolation ive been feeling rubbish lately, I have just come on my period but it’s been going on for a while before my period was even due on. Just feeling like I’m getting ill a lot then I never actually seem to get properly ill? And it causes a lot of crying fits and feeling hopeless! Just praying to feel normal. I try to do a bit of yoga or if I feel really rubbish just some gentle stretches. But I definitely think a mixture of anxiety, stress and just general low mood can cause this. Hope you feel better x

Dexter James
13-10-20, 21:14
Its worth just seeing your gp as you might be run down just purely because you have been working night shifts this is common and sometimes its just a diet change we need or a vitamin from the gp we are low in so give them a call and explain how you feel i no for a fact a shortage on certain vitamins does make you feel low on breath and bloated all so without us all knowing with have to keep dealing with the constant reminders about the current virus we take in more than we realize so it can be subconsciously effecting us there's so many symptoms of the covid sometimes you think you have it but of course you dont so pay no attention to it and negative stuff you hear around you Sure you will be great in no time :)

20-10-20, 14:23
Thanks for the replies guys, not been on here for a while, was trying to stay away from googling things! I’m feeling a lot better, but today I felt really anxious about nothing really but then started poking and prodding all my “lumps”. I found one in my mouth last month, I can move it and there seems to be the same on the other side only it’s much smaller! I get a lot of pain at the side the “lump” is on from grinding my teeth at night. I’m trying to tell myself it’s a gland or lymph node but today I am freaking out!

Are you feeling any better Elise?

20-10-20, 16:11
Hi Louise, I'm glad you feel a bit better! That's great.. I'm also feeling a lot better, had a good week (so far, touchwood!)
I think I'm similar to you, I felt a slight ache in my cheek and I've been poking all around my neck and mouth like mad, I have a lump in there too, I think its to do with wisdom teeth - even though they're fully out they still randomly hurt me sometimes, which freaks me out!

So I get how you're feeling, again I'm glad you do feel better than before


21-10-20, 01:20
I’ve been working night shift since March and not sure if this is contributing to my symptoms but even when I get loads of rest it doesn’t seem to make me feel better! Worried there is something wrong with me.

Shift work played havoc with my health. You're messing up your circadian thingamabobs innit

22-10-20, 09:39
Is your lump painful? I kept touching it the other day and have woke up today with a sore mouth of the side of the lump. I had to get a filing there last year, but when the dentist jagged me it was right where I can feel the lump now, it was extremely painful at the time and for weeks after it. However, I’m think is the lump trauma from that or was it so painful at the time because I had a lump there! I’m so sick of feeling that I have some thing wrong with me, been here too many times! But I do have a lump! My boyfriend is getting really fed up with me acting like I’m dying every so often!