View Full Version : Essential tremor or worse?

14-10-20, 16:26
5 years ago, my spouse pointed out that my head was occasionally shaking. I hadn’t noticed it. He has commented on it a handful of times since then. A few weeks ago a friend (who is a nurse) commented on it while we were on a video call (hadnt seen her for years).

I don’t think it’s constant, but now since my friend commented on it too I’m worried. I also occasionally feel an internal vibration when I’m laying down at night. No muscle weakness or twitching. A lot of anxiety, stress, and poor sleep. My hands also sometimes shake when I’m doing something (not at rest), mainly my dominant hand.

Does this sound like essential tremor? Anxiety, Parkinson's? MS?

14-10-20, 19:33
Sounds like a majority of that is anxiety to me. The internal vibration is probably just you being hyper-sensitive to everything...a lot of people get like that when they are anxious about their health.

Ever have an issue with blood sugar levels? Are you eating properly?

14-10-20, 19:53
Thanks for your response. I do eat healthy. I've never had a problen with blood sugar that I know of... does that cause a head tremor?

14-10-20, 20:06
Low blood sugar and high blood sugar can definitely make you "shakey". Do you intake a lot of caffeine throughout the day? Did you ask your nurse friend about it? Maybe she can calm some of your anxiety over it...

14-10-20, 21:01
Hi there I’ve suffered with internal tremors for about 2 years now . They definitely get worse when I am stressed and when I have caffeine.

They seem to get worse at night when I am lying in bed not sure if that’s because it’s my anxious time.

They really are horrible I know how you feel :( my hands shake constantly too

15-10-20, 02:09
My nurse friend was concerned and said I should get it checked out so that made me feel super anxious. I don’t want to go to any docs during covid so I will wait. And stress. I doubt a neurologist would do a virtual appointment. My nurse friend then did some research and thinks it’s essential tremor. I wasn’t too worried about that but then read it’s progressive so now I’m stressing out. The internal vibrations don’t worry me too much. The head shaking does. Sometimes I even feel like my eyes might move. Ugh scared.

16-10-20, 03:23
I am freaking out. I'm noticing every sensation in my body unable to tell what's normal. I am scared that I have a neurological problem. We are extremely locked down due to a high-risk family member, so I will not choose to see a doctor for something that is not life-threatening. I hate this.