View Full Version : Migraine aura! Please help, major panic

15-10-20, 02:02
Hi guys, I’ve had migraine auras a few times now. This is maybe my sixth one (I’m 23). Anyway, I had one today, followed the same pattern as usual - I breathed through it for about 30 min until it was gone. I had a headache and felt quite wiped out so went to have a sleep. I’ve woken up an hour later - It’s now about midday - and straight away I decided to have another Panadol for my headache. As i drank the water, my lip felt a little weird, almost like it was giving way so I looked in the mirror. When I tried to smile I was only smiling on like one side??? It was like a crooked smile and the other side of my lip couldn’t go up - I’m panicking now I’m having a stroke! When I stuck my tongue out everything was fine and I could do all of that normally, lift my arms properly etc... after like 10 seconds I could smile normally again...a stroke wouldn’t fix itself like that would it? I’m just so scared because I’ve never had that before and I really couldn’t smile properly - I don’t know if it is because I had just woken up (and obviously I’m wiped out from the aura) so my face was adjusting or something??? Or just another weird side effect of auras? I’m confused also as the aura was about an hour and a half ago so I don’t know why a stroke would take so long to come on...so I don’t think it is one but I’m really freaked out.

15-10-20, 02:14
Also panicking it could be a TIA (mini stroke) rather than full stroke!? But still don’t get why my lopsided smile only lasted 10 seconds... was it just from being half asleep/panicky?

15-10-20, 05:22
Probably the way you slept.
I've has the auras for years and always end up sleepy after they subside.

15-10-20, 05:47
But I’m not worried that I was sleepy. I’m worried about that lip weakness and being unable to smile properly (and having a droopy/crooked smile like a stroke symptom) - even though it only lasted around 10 seconds ...

15-10-20, 06:44
But I’m not worried that I was sleepy. I’m worried about that lip weakness and being unable to smile properly (and having a droopy/crooked smile like a stroke symptom) - even though it only lasted around 10 seconds ...

There was obviously something going on cos I noticed when I drank my water it almost felt like the water was going to pour out of my mouth... but should I be worried or just let this go :( anyone??

15-10-20, 09:20
Can anyone please help calm me down :(

15-10-20, 09:30
Auras are weird and pretty much always harmless. Probably wouldn't hurt to see a doctor if this is a new aura symptom, but I'd be really surprised if there was anything wrong.

15-10-20, 10:13
So you’re saying auras make weird things like this come up and it’s not worth worrying over? Have you ever had something similar like a lip sided smile (lip weakness)c

15-10-20, 10:17
No, but I've read about them extensively. Various different types of aira can produce this sort of thing.

15-10-20, 10:21
I’ve tried looking everywhere to see if anyone has had something like that I can’t find it! It’s so nerve-wracking to worry it is a TIA or stroke. Just can’t forget looking in the mirror and seeing half of my mouth unable to go up while the other did! Scary :/

15-10-20, 10:26
See your GP when you can, but I genuinely wouldn't fret. Hemiplegic migraine is definitely a thing.

15-10-20, 12:23
Ive read that that is very rare though. So not sure, especially since it was so short lived. My parents are doctors and say it’s nothing to worry about (my mum and sister have both had auras before too). They usually just get visuals though, not even a headache. So kinda stressed about my extra symptoms

15-10-20, 12:34
You keep saying that and ignoring me. Sorry, but I'm out.

16-10-20, 09:20
I’m sorry :( I just really wanted to find someone out there who has had something similar

16-10-20, 12:36
Hi I have had all sorts of migraine symptoms including a hemiplegic one . And when I looked in the mirror I could only see half my face it was the strangest thing and within 10 minutes my arm went numb I had flashing lights at the side of my eyes and then took a bad headache. Of course it scared me to death but I got checked out and was told what it was . Migraines can happen in all sorts weird ways.xx

16-10-20, 13:06
Oh yes the not seeing half your face is part of the visual aura (the blind spot that comes before the flashes). I’ve had numbness before too it’s scary! But isn’t hempilegic weakness etc? I just never had weakness like not being able to move my mouth... it’s so scary.

16-10-20, 20:37
I’ve had migraine auras a few times now. This is maybe my sixth one (I’m 23). Anyway, I had one 2 days ago, followed the same pattern as usual - blind spot appears, then zig zags and flashes - I breathed through it for about 30 min until it was gone.

I had a headache and felt quite wiped out so went to have a sleep. I woke up an hour later - and straight away I decided to have another Panadol for my headache. As i drank the water, my lip felt a little weird, almost like it was giving way so I looked in the mirror.

When I tried to smile I was only smiling on like one side??? It was like a crooked smile and the other side of my lips wouldn’t go up - even though I was genuinely trying (so I suddenly panicked it was a stroke).

When I stuck my tongue out everything was fine and I could do all of that normally, lift my arms properly etc... after poking out my tongue I could smile normally again...a stroke wouldn’t fix itself like that would it? Can this crooked smiling from a stroke really just last a few seconds like that!? Even if it was just a TIA (temporary stroke)?
(it really wasn’t too much longer - but I was also sleeping prior so also worry I had it the entire time I was lying in bed and obviously I wasn’t looking in the mirror to check, and that was for around an hour).

This was also around an hour after the visual aura was over so I find it even weirder again, would a stroke appear so much after?

16-10-20, 20:40
Also, with a TIA the symptoms come on ‘suddenly’. Obviously the visual aura was progressive but technically the lip droop was ‘sudden’? Or is that considered gradual too as it was after the aura, so another indicator it isn’t a TIA?

16-10-20, 22:29
My parents are doctors and say it’s nothing to worry about

Then, aren't they the ones to be listening to - I mean I don't know what type of doctors they are, but they don't seem too concerned and they are your parents so would surely know if to be concerned. I've found plenty about facial weakness and neurological symptoms, yes, sometimes Hemiplegic migraine and other named variants, and yes, they are rarer forms - so you do need see your own GP if you are not happy about what your parents tell you. I believe you that this happened, and I can see why you are scared, but no a stroke wouldn't fix itself in 10 minutes !

Migraine headaches

A migraine (https://www.healthline.com/health/migraine) is a type of headache that causes intense pain. Migraines can cause neurological symptoms, such as facial numbness on the right side. Other common signs of a migraine include:

pounding or throbbing head pain
feeling nauseous
feeling unusually sensitive to light, sounds, or other sensations
vision problems
seeing visual stimuli (https://www.healthline.com/health/seeing-stars-in-vision) such as bright flashes, dark spots, or shapes
tingling arms or legs
trouble speaking

A migraine headache can cause right- or left-sided facial numbness. Sometimes the entire face is affected. In other cases, only some facial areas may be affected.
If you experience migraine headaches, call your doctor if there is a change in your normal symptoms. You should also see a doctor if you’re experiencing migraine symptoms for the first time.

16-10-20, 22:34
This thread seems to have been posted twice, I've just replied on your other one.

17-10-20, 11:20

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

17-10-20, 19:51
Thank you for the info! I don’t actually see facial weakness on that list unfortunately. It says that hempilegic migraine has these things BEFORE the headache, but my facial weakness was at least an hour into it so it a bit weird, although I guess these things can happen without it having to be too worrysome...

18-10-20, 01:59
My niece had this, rushed to the hospital, diagnosis: complex migraine.

Some time ago a news reporter had it happen on air, same thing, complex migraine.

They did get it properly checked out and medically diagnosed.

18-10-20, 05:49
If both of your parents are doctors and said not to worry, how can people with no expertise on a forum provide you with anything better than that? Your parents have vested interest in your health and know what they're talking about given that they're doctors. Their words are far more valuable than ours. If I had two doctor parents I'd never need to Google any symptom again lol.

Trust your parents advice, they're far more qualified than we are. If all you're looking for is reassurance from someone else saying "I had it too and I'm fine" and that means more to you than the advice of your doctor parents then that's an obvious sign that it's just your anxiety that needs reassurance and not about reality.

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30-05-21, 12:53
I get numbeness as well as aura (lip and hand) and that freaks me out