View Full Version : Can't breathe, chest pain

15-10-20, 15:09
I'm not sick. I know this because 1) i don't go anywhere and 2) nobody i have been around is sick. This has been going on for a month or so. My chest feels really tight and sore. I feel like I really have to fight to get a full breath of air. Sometimes after doing something simple im winded and I have to catch my breath. I also have this weird sensation. My two bottom front teeth feel really sensitive and that feeling goes down the center of my chest also.like my chest feel cold. Im scared to go to the Dr because I dont want to catch covid. I keep telling myself its anxiety but im in pain and thay seems odd to me that my lungs hurt. I known for over reacting and being a hypochondriac so I really dont know what to do.i feel like I'm wearing a really tight corset.

15-10-20, 16:32
Do you feel like it all the time? Do you sleep ok?
Very few doctors are seeing people face to face at the moment, so why not contact them?

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15-10-20, 19:40
I'm pretty sure that cold in your chest feeling is anxiety related, I felt something similar yesterday! I am struggling with feeling like I'm getting enough air and getting winded also at the minute.
Can I ask is it 24/7 that you feel this way? Do you sleep ok at night? Sometimes we can catch ourselves *not* having the symptoms which helps us realise it is anxiety after all. Are you anxious about it being covid? If so, this will keep your stress response high.
I feel your pain, it really is horrible! Can you have a phone appointment with the Dr for reassurance?