View Full Version : Suasage mould and penicillin allergy

16-10-20, 14:19
So I've just bought some saucisson sec with walnuts and was enjoying it when a thought occurred to me: what is that white bloom on the outside?

So I googled it... and discovered it's a variation of penicillin, which I am very allergic to. There's no warning on the wrapper, but I am close to dialling 111.

Any thoughts?

16-10-20, 14:28
The fact that you're writing such a considered post here suggests that you're not about to suffer a major reaction.

16-10-20, 14:38
Well, I've called 111 and they'll get back to me. I'm going to go to bed now and try and sleep this off before my nerves get shredded any more.

16-10-20, 14:40
It can't be mouldy if you just bought it surely?

16-10-20, 14:46
Air-cured sausages frequently have a natural white bloom as part of their curing process.


p.s. Can you edit out the spelling mistake in the thread title, please?

16-10-20, 17:35
NHS 111 have just got back to me and suggested that there probably isn't enough there to prompt a reaction - I'm certainly not exhibiting any signs of an allergic reaction - but they were very helpful, very reassuring and now I'm going downstairs to chuck the rest away.

16-10-20, 18:00
Chuck it away and put it down to experience, PM? You've had no reaction and you would have done by now.

16-10-20, 18:19
It's in the bin now. I have to wonder if it's a real issue or not because if it was, wouldn't there be a warning on it? The only allergy warnings were for sulphites and walnuts.

I'm just sad that another of the remaining afternoons of my life has been lost to anxiety.

16-10-20, 18:23
PM, that's very fatalistic. Are you holding up okay?

16-10-20, 18:40
Not really, BI. Once again, it's the realisation that my health anxiety is much stronger than me which in turn feeds my depression.

Since the Covid hell was unleashed upon us my mental health has got considerably worse; quite often I either don't get up until after what most civilised people call lunchtime, or will go to bed in the middle of the day because I simply see no point in being awake - or I do this because it's a way of shutting my worries out.

It doesn't alter the fact I'm on the wrong side of fifty now, heading towards my sixties with (seemingly) nothing positive to look forward to.

16-10-20, 18:44
I know you may not want to hear this, but please consider visiting your GP and talking about depression?

I've been there, but it doesn't have to be forever.

Please PM me if you feel as though you need a friend?

16-10-20, 19:13
Thanks, BI. It's nice to know I have virtual friends; I've managed to alienate my family now.

16-10-20, 19:59
Not really, BI. Once again, it's the realisation that my health anxiety is much stronger than me which in turn feeds my depression.

Since the Covid hell was unleashed upon us my mental health has got considerably worse; quite often I either don't get up until after what most civilised people call lunchtime, or will go to bed in the middle of the day because I simply see no point in being awake - or I do this because it's a way of shutting my worries out.

It doesn't alter the fact I'm on the wrong side of fifty now, heading towards my sixties with (seemingly) nothing positive to look forward to.

It certainly is a way of shutting worries out and I do it myself if I have the opportunity. It's just resting the brain and having some blessed respite..and doesn't involve self-medicating. If your GP is approachable and interested then do what Blue advises and talk to him/her? If not it's not worth the sense of rejection and being fobbed off.

You've got every reason to be having an HA spike what with all the covid overload..Do you actually have any family you could talk to?

16-10-20, 20:33
Do you actually have any family you could talk to?

Not really. It used to be my sister but she doesn't 'get' health anxiety (in a bad way) and we're not speaking anyway; there's my brother but he is a bit bewildered by my behaviour (bless him, he's lovely and he tries though) and he's not really suited to dealing with my hyperbolic/catastrophic excesses.

A mate of mine and I have agreed never to discuss it because he thinks I should be seeking more in-depth help than CBT and I say it's nigh-on impossible: so really, my only help is here.

16-10-20, 20:45
I'm have a degree in making a mess of life! I've had loads of experience in it so you're amongst friends here!

16-10-20, 21:15
Well, it's work in the morning so once again, I have to be up at stupid o'clock so I shall say "goodnight all, and thanks for your kindness."

17-10-20, 01:53
I'm also allergic to penicillin and I once somehow managed to eat not one but two croissants before I noticed the mould. It was dim light and I wasn't really paying attention. I stopped when I noticed that the croissants tasted "spicy" and then took a good look at them and noticed the green patches which my subconscious must have assumed were raisins or something. I didn't suffer any reaction but I sure did freak out haha. How disgusting though, ay?

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