View Full Version : different hearing in each ear?

16-10-20, 16:36
I've seen an ENT about this, and the graph was slightly worse on my right side lower frequencies (although I remember missing two beeps because I was nervous..), but he said it should be hard to notice, I'm annoyed since I don't have access to the graph so don't remember exactly! I'm interested to know if anyone has experienced something similar. My hearing day to day is good, but if I'm to put a finger in my better ear, everything sounds echoey, and (hear me out) If I am to lightly drag the tip of my finger nail down the 'tragus' (the bit you can push in with your finger to 'block' your ears, I discovered this by accident but it's a good example) My better one sounds a lot clearer. It's not earwax or anything middle ear like, since that got checked. Could anxiety genuinely be causing some of this distortion? Also, I'm interested to know if anyone else finds a difference with the tragus thing, since it may just be normal when a sound is so close and isolated to hear a difference! I also hear a pulse in this ear, which could potentially be due to a tight neck compressing something, whether or not that could cause distortion I'm not sure.

16-10-20, 16:55
People actually and naturally do hear differently from each ear. Your right ear is naturally more attuned to speech while your left ear to sounds like music and natural sounds. Frankly, IMO, you're hyper-focusing and performing self-examination behaviors indicative of HA and making something out of nothing.

Positive thoughts

16-10-20, 16:58
I'M DEAF AS A POST IN MY LEFT EAR and not so bad in the other.

This has its merits because I can literally cock a deaf ear to Hub's snoring! :yesyes:

16-10-20, 17:50
Ahhh snoring... I wish I was deaf to it! When my wife and I first got together, I was the one that snored. Then after my cancer and surgeries (removed both lingual and palatine tonsils as well as over 25 nodes), I don't snore at all according to my wife. On the other hand, after her bout with NMDA Autoimmune Encephalitis, she can saw enough wood in one night to last the winter! On top of that, our cat snores too and likes to curl up with me in the middle of the night ��

Positive thoughts and Zzzzzzz

17-10-20, 07:05
When my wife and I first got together, I was the one that snored.

Hubs has always snored. He's always denied it too until I videoed him one night. When I played it back to him and he said, 'Oh my God, I sound like Darth Vader!'

It's true. He does.

But he's always claimed that I occasionally snore too - something which I strenuously deny! :lac:

…until now, because in some bizarre plot twist, I actually woke myself up snoring this morning. :unsure: