View Full Version : Metronidazole- feel horrendous muscle spasms

16-10-20, 19:06
I finished a course of metronidazole yesterday for a wisdom tooth infection ajd today it feels kike every muscle is made of lead.

I'm so anxious. Has anyone ever had bad side effects from this drug?

My upper arms and neck and shoulders feel so painful and weak like I've been lifting weights, I keep flushing hot and cold, I feel sick and fluey and every part of my body is tense.

Will this pass? Its so unbearable.

16-10-20, 21:23
Tell your dentist if this continues so he/she can give you an alternative drug. Don't drink alcohol on this med.

17-10-20, 01:06
I finished a course of metronidazole yesterday

So you haven't taken any today? How long were you on it? Seven days?

I'm so anxious. Has anyone ever had bad side effects from this drug?

My upper arms and neck and shoulders feel so painful and weak like I've been lifting weights, I keep flushing hot and cold, I feel sick and fluey and every part of my body is tense.

Will this pass? Its so unbearable.

All these symptoms are on the list of potential side-effects, but they are also common symptoms of infection so it could be the bacteria is resistant to this antibiotic, or it is a viral infection. I suggest you contact the dentist, pharmacist, or your GP for advice.

Metronidazole has a short half-life, about 8 hours, so all of it should be out of your system within 40 hours from the last dose .