View Full Version : I’m freaking out! Patch on eye?

18-10-20, 19:06
I have a black and yellow spots above my pupil (in the white part of the eye) and the black spots are on both eyes but the yellow/brownish Spot is only on one. Is this normal? Here’s an image. https://ibb.co/g6Bv11r

18-10-20, 19:40
I had a brown patch on the white of my eye. The optician pointed it out so I got so worked up that I went to see a consultant. He recommended to leave it and see if it changed over the next few months, or he could remove it. Being a highly anxious person I got it removed and of course it was absolutely nothing! Mines was much bigger than yours though and seemed to appear out of the blue. Hope this helps.

18-10-20, 20:18
I had a brown patch on the white of my eye. The optician pointed it out so I got so worked up that I went to see a consultant. He recommended to leave it and see if it changed over the next few months, or he could remove it. Being a highly anxious person I got it removed and of course it was absolutely nothing! Mines was much bigger than yours though and seemed to appear out of the blue. Hope this helps.

So it was just normal?

18-10-20, 20:34
Yip, the recommendation was just to leave it and if there were any significant changes over the following few months to go back and get it checked out. Basically to treat it like you would a mole you find on your body. If it's going to make you worry perhaps get the optician to have a quick look?