View Full Version : Anyone had this on brain MRI?

19-10-20, 03:48
I have health anxiety and an article I was reading tonight sent me into a tailspin about something I thought was resolved. Any advice or similar stories are appreciated. About a year ago, I had a brain MRI done after experiencing severe migraines all of a sudden each month. The source of my migraines turned out to be an IUD that I recently got, as they resolved quickly after getting it removed. I still get them from time to time but no longer every month. Anyway, the MRI showed numerous white matter hyperintensities that stated they were nonspecific for a patient of my age (32 at the time). It concluded that this could be due to migraines or hypertension, etc. It stated the results were not consistent with MS. My doctor seemed to think this was a normal MRI but sent me to see a neurologist to answer my questions. I didn’t really know what questions to ask at the time and the neurologist basically just told me that it wasn’t MS and I was fine. But I still wonder about these abnormalities over a year later. When you google white matter hyperintensities, it says they are commonly seen in older patients, but uncommon for people my age. They also seem to associate them with a higher risk of stroke and dementia which is what still freaks me out. I do have a history of high blood pressure on and off over the years that I suspect is largely related to my stress and anxiety. I just wonder if I was brushed off about something that could be a risk factor for serious stuff down the road. So I was wondering how common this white matter stuff is for the average, younger person. Anyone else have this on their MRI?

19-10-20, 06:28
I have health anxiety and an article I was reading tonight sent me into a tailspin about something I thought was resolved. Any advice or similar stories are appreciated. About a year ago, I had a brain MRI done after experiencing severe migraines all of a sudden each month. The source of my migraines turned out to be an IUD that I recently got, as they resolved quickly after getting it removed. I still get them from time to time but no longer every month. Anyway, the MRI showed numerous white matter hyperintensities that stated they were nonspecific for a patient of my age (32 at the time). It concluded that this could be due to migraines or hypertension, etc. It stated the results were not consistent with MS. My doctor seemed to think this was a normal MRI but sent me to see a neurologist to answer my questions. I didn’t really know what questions to ask at the time and the neurologist basically just told me that it wasn’t MS and I was fine. But I still wonder about these abnormalities over a year later. When you google white matter hyperintensities, it says they are commonly seen in older patients, but uncommon for people my age. They also seem to associate them with a higher risk of stroke and dementia which is what still freaks me out. I do have a history of high blood pressure on and off over the years that I suspect is largely related to my stress and anxiety. I just wonder if I was brushed off about something that could be a risk factor for serious stuff down the road. So I was wondering how common this white matter stuff is for the average, younger person. Anyone else have this on their MRI?

Yes, (cervical spine) and I don't have MS.

19-10-20, 13:17
Thanks for your reply. Does your doctor know the cause of yours? I guess this has me wondering if having them in my 30s makes me more likely to have other issues down the road. I have read that white matter corresponds to risk of stroke or dementia. So am I more predisposed since I have them so young? Or are they just insignificant? I have also read that migraines can also cause them, but again, do even those make your more likely to have brain or vascular disease down the road? I actually have an appointment with my PCP tomorrow for something unrelated but I will ask for more info on this since my worries have resurfaced thanks to reading medical news (don’t even know why I click on articles like that anymore 😐).

19-10-20, 13:32
Thanks for your reply. Does your doctor know the cause of yours?

Still waiting for my routine 6 monthly re-scan (should have been July). They 'think' it's a meningioma (most likely benign)

They are incidental findings with a lot of people my age and older, so I'm not concerned..

19-10-20, 18:33
The incidental findings only increase as you get older. That's the problem with using scans as a way to relieve HA and feel better - at some point every scan is going to come back with something but it is inconsequential. Your HA will disagree and over think it.

20-10-20, 06:31
That's the problem with using scans as a way to relieve HA and feel better - at some point every scan is going to come back with something but it is inconsequential. Your HA will disagree and over think it.

Very true, however, this is not the case with me because HA is no longer an issue. I haven't even chased the re-scan as I would have done when I had a RAGING case of HA - that's how bothered I am. I will get to it, eventually, but first I need to sort out my current fibro-arse-kicking-flare up.:winks:

20-10-20, 13:23
Agreed. I seem to get more anxiety with testing because I over analyze the results. However the reason for me getting the MRI was not health anxiety related and it is only now (1.5 years after the fact) that I have started reading about these “white spots” and what they mean/could mean. I actually have never had anxiety about MS or given it a second thought. My anxiety now is about whether these white spots (especially in my 30s) is something that predisposes me to other scary stuff down the road like stroke or dementia. These were not even things that came to mind when I had the opportunity to see a neurologist about it. Just wondered how common this was for people my age to have.

23-10-20, 11:03
I had 2 white matter lesions on mine and 2 other other findings. I had a lumbar puncture which was negative so they said not ms and it was migraines which I dont really have.