View Full Version : It’s spiralling! Help me to think logically

19-10-20, 12:58
Background - HA started after the birth of my daughter 7 years ago.
I recently gave birth to my youngest daughter 13 weeks ago and I’ve felt the anxiety bubbling away for approx 6 weeks. The past few weeks it’s upped its game. I’m reluctant to take meds whilst breastfeeding.

A week ago I felt like I had a migraine - one sided, eye pain and numb cheek. Tablets took it off and I’m certain I’ve experienced the same a year or so ago.
Tension (maybe) headaches on and off since baby was born.
Wednesday - I got a sharp stabbing pain in my head
Friday - woke up with tingling all down my right hand side and felt sick. No headache.
I went to the dr who was thorough but scared the crap out of me - possible TIA and needed a scan that day. She conferred with another doctor who thought migraine and no need for a scan.
As soon as I walked out of the drs my face went tingly both sides so I think possible anxiety. My blood pressure was sky high at my appt too.
Saturday - my hands and face were tingly all day but I think both sides.
Sunday - ok.

I’m so worried it’s something serious like a tumour. I feel nauseous - could be anxiety or could be a tumour! I don’t have an headache but do feel like my head is full or pressure.
To top my anxiety the dr has just rang to check on me - you don’t do that with a simple migraine!

I’m constantly checking my vision and my balance. Trying to tell it I’ve any tingling. The only trouble is I can’t even remember what feels “normal” anymore.

19-10-20, 13:27
Sorry to hear that. I am actually having similar fears at the moment, with headaches and lightheadedness. I can't seem to get a drs appt. i really sympathise with you.

19-10-20, 15:30
I'm dealing with something similar to your situation. I'm having left sided tingling in my hand and sometimes foot. Sometimes I feel heat or tingling on the left side of my face. I got really panicked about it but then checked an anxiety diary that I've kept for some time and found that I experienced this before. I've had a brain MRI and other diagnostics since I first felt them so that helped me attribute them to anxiety. But the symptoms keep popping up. I think it's just the anxious mind trying to get our attention.

19-10-20, 16:22
I think you are right, Flapj. Its hard to get our anxious minds to keep calm though, isn't it. I think all the isolation due to pandemic is making me worse. Too much time alone to ruminate and make myself increasingly anxious.

19-10-20, 16:26
Yep and in that isolation its too easy to go online and search symptoms making things even worse. Hang in there. I am sure it's nothing.

20-10-20, 07:43
Yep and in that isolation its too easy to go online and search symptoms making things even worse. Hang in there. I am sure it's nothing.

Thanks Flapj. I am trying to stay away from google... it always makes me feel worse. Hoping I can get a drs appt soon.